Chapter 1

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The familiar noise of the front door slaming was the first thing I woke up to. Sighing, I lifted my body up off the couch. I don't remember falling asleep here. I looked around at the clock, it was midnight, the time my dad usually came home. I could hear his footsteps walking towards me, his shadow being illuminated by the tv.

"Evanna, what are you still doing up this late?"

"I just woke up."

"Did I wake you?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Aw I'm sorry kiddo." He said, sitting next to me on the couch. He kicked off his shoes and sighed.

My dad was hard-working, no doubt about that. He was once good looking, but I guess with all this work put on him after mom died got to him. I mean don't get me wrong he's still handsome, but ok this is weird I'm not hitting on my dad. He's just really cool and I love him a lot.

"Where's Scarlett?" my dad asked.

"Upstairs fast asleep. She had a long day at school. She cried because she said she doesn't want to go to fifth grade. Silly."

My dad chuckled, "9 year olds, what can you do about them?"

"Hey, she's almost 10, she deserves some respect." I joked.

"That's right, her birthday is in less than a month. They sure do grow fast."

I rolled my eyes. He's probably gonna give Scarlett the whole 'you're growing up so fast but I'll always be your dad' talk with a little bit of 'watch out for boys they have cooties'. He tried giving me that talk this year on my 16th birthday. Most uncomfortable moment of my life.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked my dad. He probably hasn't eaten all day, construction work is tough nowadays.

"No thanks honey. I'm going to sleep now. You try to sleep as well." And with that he walked upstairs into his room.

Sighing, I followed upstairs into my room.

I hardly ever got a chance to talk to my dad anymore. He was either working, or too tired to talk.

Before going into my room, I peeked into Scarlett's room. She was fast asleep. I closed the door and walked into my room.

I plugged my headphones in and fell fast asleep...

I woke up to the sound of my dad's cell phone ringing downstairs. I blinked my eyes and checked the clock. 3:30 AM. Who the fuck was calling my dad this late? Such bullshit.

I got up and turned the corner into my dad's room. Nothing. His bed had his blankets, bunched up all over the bed.

"Dad?" I called out. Nothing.

I slowly walked down the stairs, trying not to make a sound. All the while his stupid phone kept ringing with that annoying marimba ringtone.

Finally the damn phone stopped ringing. I grabbed the phone and checked the contact name. It read "Andy", my dad's brother. Family man, always fucking up my sleep.

I started walking up the stairs. Half way up, I heard a sort of grunt coming from the sliding doors that led to my backyard. I probably just imagined it but it scared the shit out of me, so I ran up the stairs. I don't play with that shit.

I turned the hallway lights on and walked into Scarlett's room. She was fast asleep. I gently shook her. I needed her awake. A 9 year old made me feel safe, yeah I know I'm such a pussy whatever.

After some groaning and yawning, she woke up.

"Hey Scar." I greeted her.

"What do you want Eva?" She replied, still half asleep. Wow. Sassy.

"Well excuse me sleeping beauty. Do you know where dad went?" I asked.

"Nope." She said and laid back down. She was not having it today I guess. I walked out of her room, she was already snoring away.

I went back into my room and looked at my dad's cell phone. I clicked the home button and swiped the lockscreen. Of course he didn't have a pass code. God, dad's are so dumb.

I checked his missed calls. 15 missed calls all from uncle Andy. I pressed call back, whatever he was calling my dad for seemed pretty important.

"Anthony? Anthony, where are you?" Uncle Andy's voice spoke.

"It's not Anthony. It's Evanna. And hello to you too" I responded.

"Evanna? Where's your dad?"

"No clue. Why what's up?"

"Evanna listen to me, you need to get Scarlett and yourself somewhere safe. Lock yourselves in your room until you can find your dad."

"Andy, what are you blabbering on about?" Man all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Evanna, listen to me! I'm not playing around here! There's some shit going on here in the city, people are going crazy. You and Scarlett need to be safe. Get her now!"

My uncle Andy was never one to be serious. He always joked around with me. Hearing him like this, I knew something was up.

Keeping Andy on the phone, I ran into Scarlett's room and picked her up from her bed and ran back into my room.

"Andy? You there? I got Scarlett. We're in my room."

"Good, good. Stay there. Lock your door. Have a weapon next to you just in case something happens. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Andy, what's going on?"

"I'll explain when I get there." And with that he hung up.

I looked down at Scarlett in my arms. She was looking at me with a confused face.

"Yeah I have no clue what's going on either Scar." She crawled out of my arms and onto my bed.

I looked around my room. I literally have no weapons in here at all. I checked my drawers. A screwdriver? Whatever good enough.

I went over to lock my door and that's when I heard footsteps.

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