Chapter 2

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I turned off my light and stood against the door. I'm just a 16 year old girl, I have no clue how to protect myself against whoever was outside my door.

"Scarlett." I whispered. "Stay where you are. Don't make a sound." I saw her little head nod in the dark.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. I grabbed the screwdriver tighter. Then I felt a huge punch at my door. Scarlett did a high pitched screech. Damn it.

I ran towards my bed and stood in front of her. Whoever the fuck this is, I am not letting them touch my little sister.

Another punch towards my door. And another. There was now a hole in my door.

All I heard was a groaning noise, and it smelled disgusting.

"Who's there?" I asked. Probably isn't the best thing to say but I mean c'mon.


Suddenly, outside my window, there was a huge BAM and I could see orange flames illuminating the window.

I looked outside. The shopping center close to my house was lit with fire. Literally what the hell is going on?

Then, another groan came from the door. I gripped the screwdriver tighter.

Suddenly there's was a loud gunshot. Fucking hurt my ears.

"Evanna? Evanna where are you?" it was my dad's familiar voice.

"Dad, what the hell just happened?"

"I'll explain later. C'mon, we have to go." I was so confused but I picked up Scarlett, who was now crying over the gunshot. I hate kids.

We ran down the stairs and into uncle Andy's truck. The sky was filled with smoke and the whole shopping center nearby was on fire.

"Daddy, what happened to the stores?" Scarlett asked. She probably only cares because Toys R Us was there and that's her favorite place.

"Scarlett, bad things are happening. I need you to be brave no matter what happens, ok?" She nodded.

Driving down the hills, there were people, families, walking down. They all started banging on the car. Begging for a ride.

"FUCK OFF!" My uncle Andy screamed at them. Same.

"Andy, pull over. Let them on. Whatever is going on, we should help." I said.


God. He needs to work on that attitude.

"Try telling me before yelling at me." Asshole.

"Andy, calm down. Evanna doesn't know what's going on. I haven't told her." My dad paused.

"Uncle Andy saw something

out in the city. There were people turning into these things and eating other people. The news is saying it's a virus or infection. I saw it with my own eyes. If the thing bites you, you turn into them. There's armies on their way to help some people out who aren't sick yet. We're headed to a safe place, and hopefully we'll get some help."

Oh shit. This was always one of my biggest fears.

"So, it's like the zombie apocalypse?" I asked. I mean, it's pretty obvious it is.

"No. Zombies aren't real Evanna." Uncle Andy replied.

"Uncle Andy, you know damn well there is. Hello! You saw them! Don't be those dumbass characters in the movies who never admit they're zombies when it's obvious it is."

That's the worst. Characters always bullshit that it isn't zombies when it clearly is. I hate movies.

"Evanna, this isn't a movie. This is serious. You need to keep yourself safe as well with your sister. Your dad and I can defend ourselves. Just make sure your sister is ok all the time."

Andy was right. I could be bitchy sometimes. Whatever.

Suddenly, Uncle Andy slammed on the breaks. I nearly broke my neck holy shit.

I looked out the window and saw people. Except, they weren't really people. They were walking slow, with blood all over them. I could hear their groaning through the car windows.

"Daddy." Scarlett whispered.

"Shh shh baby, it's going to be ok." God this shit was scary.

I stook out my hand and held Scarlett's. This is such bullshit. She's only 9. She doesn't know what's going on, shit, I don't either. I can't imagine how confused she must be.

"ANDY FUCKING DRIVE!" My dad shouted. My uncle slammed on the gas, nearly hitting the ugly zombie thing.

We finally got to a proper road, only to see it got worse. The traffic was horrible. I guess other people had the same idea as us.

The cars honked and honked and honked. Fucking idiots! Have these people not seen movies! The first thing you're never supposed to do is make noise. The god damn zombies are gonna get your ass. People are so dumb.

Then, right as I thought this, a fucking zombie came straight out of the bush, towards the car in front of us. I could hear two little girls screaming, their dad getting out of the car to fight the zombie off. Pretty sure you're not supposed to do that either.

I grabbed Scarlett into a hug. I didn't want her to see whatever was gonna happen to that man.

Instantly, the zombie grabbed the man, and bite straight into his neck. Ouch.

My dad unbuckled his seat belt.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I asked.

"There's two little girls in that car. They need help." He reached to open the door when a zombie stumbled right next to the door. Damn it, shit just keeps on getting worse and worse.

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