3 -L

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The day after we had our lesson was basically us trying to realize what had just happened. My life has gone from boring to wild. I really met 5sos, well, 3/4. But now today we'd be going to a party with them.
On the inside I was panicking but on the outside I tried to keep it as cool as I could. I was just going to be my normal average self, but normal me was boring. What if I ruined the mood?
I was shaken out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed, and so did Tiana's. We exchanged confused looks, I looked at who texted me and I slightly gasped. We have Michael our number but I didn't expect him to actually text us.
M: hey just making sure on if you guys are still coming tonight
He sent to us as a group chat.
"I'm afraid to write back." Tiana said.
I wrote back pretty quickly and Tiana's phone buzzed.
L: yeah, wouldn't miss it :-)
"Just write back with 'yeah' or something. It doesn't matter."
T: of course!
M: great, this time you'll actually get to meet Luke.

Tiana rolled off the couch and quickly said "Lukes going to be there oh my god I love him so much."
I laughed at her "now you really gotta dress to impress"
"Should we go buy new outfits or something?" She suggested.
I shrugged "I mean, I was just gonna wear casual clothes."
"True, maybe I should just do that. I'm gonna go try to get ready."

I followed her to the room and she threw out a bunch of clothes. I sat there as she tried on a few outfits and had me give her my opinion on it.

After maybe 20 minutes she finally settled on an outfit, I looked at the time and realized I should start to get ready.
"I'm gonna take a shower." I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom, turning on the shower. I let it warm up before stepping in. As I washed myself I thought about where our life was headed. Would knowing 5sos help us gain some popularity? I didn't even know where this thing with 5sos would be heading, hopefully friends.
"lili I have to do my makeup!" Tiana said as she knocked on the door.
I took a few more minutes then stepped out. I dressed in a pair of ripped blue jeans and just a plain black tee. I wrapped the towel around my hair then stepped out of the bathroom, letting Tiana in.

"How are you so nonchalant about this?" She asked while I watched her apply her makeup.
"I don't know. It doesn't feel real, I'm dying inside though."
"I hope everything goes well"
"Me too"


After hours of getting ready and waiting we were finally here. Ashton was the one hosting it so we were over at his house. It was filled with so many people, I recognized a few of them but a bunch I had no idea who they were.

When we walked in we quickly saw Michael, he smiled and motioned for us to come over. He was with the rest of the boys.
"Hey! I want to introduce you guys to Luke."
Luke smiled and held his hand out for us to shake, which we did. "Hey, it's nice to meet you guys."
"Big fan of yours. I'm lili." I said
"I'm Tiana, I've been dying to meet you."
"Well now you have" he chuckles.

"Yeah so you guys are free to do whatever. Go have some fun, meet new people, get out there." Michael said to us.
I smiled and gave a quick "yeah okay."

Parties weren't my thing, they always felt so forced and rushed and they just terrified me a bit. I looked at Tiana with a slight panic, "I'm gonna go get a drink. Why don't you come with me." She said.
We pushed through the people, the bar tender handed her a drink and she looked at me to make sure I was okay. "I know meeting and talking to new people isn't your thing, so you don't have to do that. Just try to have some fun. Why don't we go dance or something?"
"I can't dance" I laughed
"Neither can I, that's what makes it fun." She smiled at me so I agreed and we went to where a group of people were dancing to the loud music.

I laughed at how horribly I was dancing, but the important thing was that we were having fun.
We sang along to the music and got to see how everyone else was dancing.
It felt great to just let a little bit go and actually have fun. Some people would come over and dance with us but as the songs changed then so would everyone around us.
Some people would twerk or grind on each other and it was hilarious.
"This is just like prom." Tiana yelled over the music.
I didn't go to prom but just looking at how everyone's dancing and all the stories I've heard made me laugh at the thought of prom being like this. Full of drunk, crazy, and horny people. Except the drunk part.
"I wonder if any of these people are gonna hook up after." I said.
"Oh definitely."
I guess a parties not a party if at least one person doesn't hook up with another.
I watched everyone danced and noticed Luke dancing with a group of people.
"Oh that's classic." I said. I pointed at him so Tiana would see.
"And I thought I was bad at dancing." She said.
"I'm gonna record this." I pulled out my phone and opened up snapchat.
It was so funny seeing these boys as normal humans. I've admired them for so many years that they seemed unreal.


As it grew later into the night the party died down. I sat near the bar alone and watched the rest of the people dancing, my feet were killing me.
Tiana was drunk and dancing in the group 5sos was also in, she was happy and it warmed my heart.
I was snapped from my gaze when a familiar voice said "hey" I looked over and it was calum. He took a seat next to, ordering another beer from the bar.
"Oh hey." I said back
"Why aren't you out there?" He nodded towards the dance floor.
"My feet hurt" I laughed
He chuckled then spoke "I haven't seen you take even a sip of anything tonight."
"Yeah, i don't drink. I'm only 19 anyways."
"Oh yeah I forgot legal drinking age her is 21, I still did anyways."
"I know."
"You know?"
"Yeah, im a fan, remember?"
"So when you say fan do you mean full on in the fandom?"
I nodded and he looked amused
"so does that mean you know like everything about me?"
I laughed, I think drunk calum is my favorite. He took a few drinks of his beer then pulled his phone out.
"If you know about me then I think I have to know about you now." I saw him go onto twitter and onto our band page, then my personal page too. He scrolled through a few things and giggled at some posts.
"So are you just gonna go through my stuff and not follow me?" I joked
"How very rude of me." He said, then pressed the follow button, 2013 me was living.

"Lili!" Tiana yelled, i looked over and she was telling me to come over, so I did. "Get in the picture!"
"A picture?" I asked.
"Have to take a picture with our new favorite band." Ashton said.
Ashton called Calum over and we got another one of their friends to take the picture. "Wait! Can I get one on my phone?" I said, handing my phone to the guy.
He took the picture then handed my phone back to me.
"I hope I'm allowed to post this" I said to Tiana.

I knew what it'd cause if the 5sosfam saw the picture but I felt as if I had to post it. "Me and my dudes🤘🏼" I captioned it. I tagged everyone then posted it to Instagram and Twitter.

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

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