#10: キッスしたまま、さよなら (As We Kissed, Goodbye)

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Jae: ZE!!!

Jae ran straight into Ze's arms, making him take a step back on the impact. And she hugged him tightly.

Ze: Woah... I see you've missed me... A LOT...

He put his arms around Jae and hugged her back. Tears started welling in Jae's eyes when she heard him speak. He didn't know how much she had missed him. She wanted him to be around for her when her dad died. She needed him beside her to comfort her when her mum died. But he wasn't around. And she had to go through all those alone. Her tears were pouring out like that day in Joong's tent, soaking Ze's army shirt and leaving a deep mark on it.

Ze pulled Jae away from the hug to take a look at her. He lifted a hand to wipe the tears from Jae's tear-stained face. She was still sobbing profusely.

Ze: What's wrong Jae? Why are you crying so much? Something happened when I was gone?

Jae nodded.

Jae: My parents...

Ze: Yeah... Ajushi and ajumma... How are they?

Jae titled her head up to look at Ze. Her eyes were tearing even more now. Her lips were quivering from crying and her body was shaking slightly.

Ze's thoughts: Oh no... Not her parents too...

Ze's dad had been hit by a bullet during a surprise attack at their camp, and he didn't make it. Ze had been struggling along all this time, and since their camp was attacked, he didn't get Jae's letter to inform him that she was becoming a medic. He only knew a couple of months later, and had immediately requested to go meet her.

Ze: It's alright Jae... I'm here now... Your parents can enjoy their stay up there, they won't have to worry about you anymore... They can leave you in my hands... I'll take care of you from now on...

Ze smiled and leaned in to kiss Jae on her lips.


Joong: What's taking Jae-nuna so long today? It's already past lunch time and she still hasn't checked on me yet...


After a long kiss, Ze parted his lips from Jae's and smiled at her.

Jae (sudden realisation): OMO!!! I FORGOT TO CHECK ON JOONGIE!!!

She dashed out of her office, leaving Ze shocked and confused.


Jae popped her head back in.

Jae: I gotta go check on Joong now... I'm already late for my rounds...

Ze: Joong's here too?

Jae: Yeah... He was injured in battle... You wanna come with me to see him?

Ze: Sure...

Ze walked over to Jae and took her hand in his, walking alongside her to Joong's tent.


Joong: Ah this irresponsible nuna... She's forgotten all about me!!! Such an unprofessional doctor...

Jae popped her head into Joong's tent. Joong looked up at her when she did and pouted, folding his arms across his chest in mock anger.

Jae: Joongie-ya... Mianada... I forgot the time... Have you had your lunch yet?

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