Chapter 13

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Sam and Dean arrived at the wear house, luckily for the two Sam had found a back door. Easy lock pick for the younger Winchester brother. Sam pushed open the door Dean looked around first, gun in hand.

The wear house was dark, cold and quiet. Sam followed after Dean. He held his gun at his side.

They wondered into a huge work room with industrial shelfs lining the wall, with various boxes and things.

And there in the room tied to a chair was Y/N.

Slumped over in the chair, passed out.

Sam walking up to you carefully, and kneeled in front of the hair you sat in. Carefully tapping your shoulder.

With lightning speed you hit his arm out of the way, pushed him back so he was on his back. Holding a part of a blade to Sam's neck. Your Y/H/C damp from sweat and slightly hanging in your face.

Both Sam and Dean looked at you with wide eyes.

"Sam...?" You asked slowly pulling the blade away from his neck. Once you realized what you'd done.

"Hey....Y/N..." Sam said breathlessly having the air knocked out of his lungs.

Dean put away his gun and walked over carefully and helped you up. "Why with the sudden Kung - Fu, Y/N...?" Dean asked.

You sighed and looked down at Sam. "That thing .... I didn't want it coming back. What was that..? It-It melted and-and changed?! I-" You began.

"Shapeshifter...we'll explain latter.." Sam said getting to its feet. "Come on. We should go.." He said leading you to the car.

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