My new friends are FNAF characters and won't kill me but I will fall for one but you have to guess who and takes place at FNAF sister location don't worry y/n (you) will be in it to
"First day new job welp what time is it *looks at alarm clock* its 10:30 pm meh alright time for work" I said very happy I wont see those bullies again "sans, papy im going to my new nightshift job and Good bye brothers" I said happy "BYE BIG SIS SEE YOU IN THE MORNING" papy said so loud im now death I cant hear "bye little sis have fun" ink said "bye" I Said leaving the house to my new job.
*at the pizzeria*
"At my job looks easy but at the same time it looks scary" I said creeped out " hello hello hi there welcome to your new job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza new and improved but this one is different as we would you type in your name but be careful because this thing is broken, looks like you had an error while typing your name let me autocorrect it for you, hello Inky" said that weird computer "welp there's a little vent right there so I guess I have to go through and get my new work clothes all dirty"I said sarcastically "hello and welcome to this new Pizzeria called Sister location (that's only thing I can make up with) and welcome to the office in here you could see through the windows and you can see that over there are the Funtime Auditorium on the left side you can see ballora fun time Freddy, mangle, Bonnie Chica, Freddy, foxy, golden freddy and if they don't listen to you and don't go back on stage you can give control shock and to your left over there you have toy Freddy, toy Bonnie, toy chica, toy mangle, Funtime foxy, balloon boy there are the other electronics remember you can give them control shock and in the vent in front of you are the main animatronics circus baby fred bear and springtrap the ones that sing the most so have fun and remember I can lead you through all the way" said the microphone guy "OK *put the light on ballora* SHE IS NOT THERE WAIT THE CONTROL SHOCK........ Or how about I do-" I said but was cut off "Not hurt us and let us live" said a weird voice I turned around to see that there was a bunnie, fox, chicken, and bear I assume that their names were Bonnie, foxy, Chica, and Freddy (this is how they look like)
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(Not my picture's) 'There not robots WAIT HOW DID THEY GET IN HERE' I thought I was so scared I screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I stopped screaming "stop that hurts my ears" said bonnie "s-sorry I was scared please DON'T KILL ME THE PHONE GUY TOLD ME YOU GUYS WERE GOING TO KILL ME" I said loud "aye mate we won't kill you because we don't kill mate that's was in the past" said foxy I guess he's was a pirate "hey guys what is going on in here and What was that screaming" said golden freddy. (this is how he look like in human version)
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(Not my picture) "Wait is that Inks sister pinky OMG IT IS YOU PINKY" said chica running up to me to give me a big warm hug "uhhhh how do u know my name" I said "try to remember" bonnie said "mmmmmmm *trys to remember* (btw in this story im 15 years old)
~~~9 years ago~~~
"Hey you birthday girl come here do you want a bunnie ears and a bonnie plush" said purple guy (im six years old in this flashback) " *gasp* really a bonnie yaaay" I said happy "time for my guitar solo everyone who wants to hear it" bonnie said in regular (robot) version "hey bonnie can I try your guitar" freddy said "save the birthday girl" freddy said "so were is the bunnie ears and bonnie plush" I said "Close your eyes please" purple guy said "OK" I said happy to get my new stuff *(purple guy) grabs knife and trys to kill pinky* *bonnie grabs pinky and leaves the room* "you'll be ok here" said bonnie" *hands pinky bunnie ears and bonnie plush* *(pinky opens her eyes* "*gasp* BONNIE" I said happy and gave him a big hug then went back to the stage "THERE YOU ARE THAT EVIL ROBOT COULD HAVE KILLED YOU PINKY LETS GO HOME, PAPYRUS WE'RE LEAVENING" ink said (btw ink is 13 and papyrus is 4 in the flashback) "what about the show and Pinky's birthday brother" papyrus said sad "next time ok" ink said "ok" Papyrus said "*sighs* bye Bonnie" I said waving goodbye
~~~Back to normal time~~~
"Bonnie saved me when I was 6 if he didn't then I.... Would...... Be...... Dead by now" I said "yeah I can't believe I saved you if Freddy wouldn't have gave me that warning" bonnie said blushing "yeah" freddy said rolling his eyes ( someone here is jealous :3) "its almost 6 a.m. you should be leaving home now" chica said "welp ok Bye" I said *6am bell rings* "time to go" I said sad
*at home*
"Hey guys im home" I said "WELCOME BACK SISTER HOW WAS THE NIGHTSHIFT" papyrus said loud AGAIN "it was fun HEY INK CAN I TALK TO YOU FOR A BIT" I yelled "yeah come to my room then" ink said annoyed "so what do talk about now" ink said mad "ink do you remember when I was 6 I had a birthday party at freddy fazbears pizzeria and remember when I came back with bonnie and you got mad at him for taking me" I said kinda curious "well yeah I thought he kidnapped you" ink said kinda interested "well he didn't kidnap me he helped me from a weird purple man before he killed me" I said starting to cry "it's OK don't cry at least you weren't killed" ink said a little sad (-_- REALLY INK A LITTLE U SHOULD CARE ink : FOURTH WALL BREAKER pinky : what.... Just get back to the story) "OK I won't cry *yawns* but I should get some rest" I said tired because I stayed UP ALL NIGHT but tomorrow is another day 'welp time for a little rest' I thought as I went to my room to rest.
------------authors note------------- Yaaaay my longest one yet I don't know how because im not much of a writer Word count 1067 YAAAAY SO LONG