Chapter 2 night 2 at fazbears with friend

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(The picture is fire ok)

My p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of papyrus yelling at sans I looked at the time 5:00 pm "kewl (pronounced cool from Crazy Is Crazy) I can go visit my friend fire for 5 hours (my job starts at 12:00 but I have to be there before​ 11:00)" I said as I fell of my bed not paying attention but I got up and got ready to go to fire's house when I went down stairs I was shocked that I saw NIGHTMARE AND ERROR "shiiiiiiiiiit" I whispered "PINKY THERE YOU ARE COME DOWN THEY WON'T HURT YOU" papy said "o-ok but I was planning on going over to fire's house today" I said really really REALLY scared of what happened last time but I just grabbed my car keys and walked to the door not making eye contact until this happened "pinky do you hate us" error said I turned around and said "no but
Stay away from me" then I opened the door walked out and slammed the door "GRRRRRRRR GREAT NOW I HAVE TO TELL INK WOW" I said so angry when I got in my car I slammed the door and drived to fire's house *30 mins later* I got to fire's house and knocked on her door (joke time)
"knock knock"

"who's there"


"Bendy who?"

"Bendy and the ink machine is here open the door if you don't then you die tonight"

"Ok ok I'll open the door" fire said as she opens the door "hey fire you want to come with me to my work" I said "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm​ if it's at a pizzeria then . . . . sure" fire said with no expression (-_- that is her face) we got in my car fire has to drive because she has her drivers license and I don't ("YES I CAN CRASH THE CAR NOW" fire said "NO" pinky said "0-0 ummmmm back to the story" I said) "Hey fire do you want to hear my favorite song" I said "sure" fire said

*music plays*

"They have sent you letter, to come back home to play, but your a dismay, this isn't your day" I began to sing
"Hey! I am alive, immortalized, your the creator, you traitor, Hey! There's no vaccine, to cure are dirty needs, for now you must, BUILD UP ARE MACHINE, YOU DIE TONIGHT, TONIGHT, BUILD UP ARE MACHINE YOU, DIE TONIGHT" I continued singing
"So you found all the pieces, to initiate the pain, are venom stains, the night remains-" fire interrupted me singing "stop singing I want to hear the song" fire said "ok" I said

*when the song is done just continue reading ok, ok*

"We're here pinky" fire said "lets go inside wait *checks time 11:30* ok lets go" I said getting off the car to get inside the elevator with fire "welcome to another day of your job" said hand unit "you will be recommended to choose a new voice so you won't be able to hear the same one over again use the keypad in front of you too choosing you voice manager push 1 for female push 2 for male push 3 for text only and push 4 for other options" hand unit said "WHAT BUT NO NUMBERS Bdffhgy Tfrhfrdys GDP Hvsy" fire said I just pushed a random letter "thank you for choosing angsty teen" hand unit "lol" fire said then the elevator stoped " the elevator stopped you know the routine go ahead or whatever you can stay here if you want" said angsty teen "NOPE" I said as I pushed the red obvious button now me and fire were crawling through the vents one by one " funny story once there was a dead body found here okay not that funny but it was a story though" said angsty teen "mmmmmm NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE" I said as I crawled faster then i made it I waited for fire (of course) then she made it "lets check on ballora see what she's up to" I checked the lights ballora is gone (of course) "looks like ballora doesn't feel like dancing, lets SHOCK her" said angsty teen "WHAT SHOCK HER NEVER EVER IF I SHOCK HER THEN I SHOCK THE OTHERS" I said kinda mad "wait others?" Said fire "yeah like bonnie, chica, Freddy, foxy, and golden freddy" I said "welp ummmm....." fire said looking at he shock button "umm fire why are you looking at the shock button" I said scared she might push it but as expected she ran to it but I pushed her and she fell "oops" I said really sorry "you will pay for what you did" fire said with rage in her eyes I gulped and stepped back two steps she got up and slapped me really HARD it left a mark "then what will happen to them if I shock them" fire said "then they will attack you and me" I said "yep like she said" bonnie said "AAAAAAAAAAA" me and fire screamed hugging each other for life we thought it was ballora but nope "DON'T SCARE ME EVER AGAIN BONNIE" I yelled "pfff I can tell your hugging your bff" Bonnie said "ummmmm" I said as I stopped hugging fire blushing "pretend you saw nothing cotton tail" fire said roasting bonnie ("OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" we all said to bonnie) "I HAVE NAME YOU KNOW" bonnie said blushing that he had got roasted "wait bonnie I have a question HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?" I said like HOW "the vents duhh" bonnie said "ohhhhh ok" I said "I'll be right back im going to go in the vent in front of me" I said crawling through the vent in front of me when I was on the other side it was beautiful it said circus baby and springtrap Auditorium I flashed the light and I saw circus baby and springtrap (this is how they look like in human version)

" fire said looking at he shock button "umm fire why are you looking at the shock button" I said scared she might push it but as expected she ran to it but I pushed her and she fell "oops" I said really sorry "you will pay for what you did" fire s...

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(Not my picture's)"Wow you to look nice" I said amazed "thanks you to" someone said "why thanks

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(Not my picture's)
"Wow you to look nice" I said amazed "thanks you to" someone said "why thanks.... wait WHO SAID THAT" I said confused "me Springtrap or springbonnie if you prefer" Springtrap said "O-O this glass is TALK PROOF............. kewl" I said "yep I like your cloths and hair" said circus baby "thx circus baby you look fine to" I said we were talking for a bit until the lights went out

Fire's P.O.V

As I saw pinky go though the vent I saw "cotton tail" (bonnie) gone or I thought he was but when I turned around I saw a human fox, foxy "hi where's cotton tail" I said "with freddy why?" Foxy questioned "oh ok" I replied "nice hook can you kill people with it" I said with wide eyes and a smile across my face "WHAT NO WELL YES well maybe" foxy said like WHY "oh kewl" I said

~~~a few minutes later~~~

"Why is pinky taking FOREVER" I yelled "probably talking to THEM" foxy said what was supposed to be a 'creepy way' then the lights went out I went through the vent to see pinky looking out the 3 sided window "what's wrong" I said in confusion "shhhh listen" I shushed her " I don't recognize the girl behind you you're new here the both of you I remember this scenario there is a space under the desk a person be here before you crafted it into a hiding place when you hide in there these so-called Bidy-babs will look for you do not make eye contact they will lose interest" said a girl me and pinky went under the desk to hide..........

To be continued

Author's note

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