Chapter 1

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Jessica's Pov:

"Jessica, get your butt down here!" My stepfather Nick called from the bottom of the steps. "Coming!" I yelled back so he could hear me. Incase you didn't get the memo, I'm Jessica Smith. I have a twin named Josh and I am far from normal. I'm a typical American girl with close to nada friends. Wait, let me rephrase that. 'Friends' is a little bit of an exaggeration. I have one friend, Anna. I groaned rolling off my soft, lime green and baby blue bed. "Jessica!" He called once more. Gosh, I hate when parents continuously call your name after you've already stated you were coming. "I'm coming!" I screamed my patients wearing thin. I scurried down the stairs skipping a stair every 2 steps. "Yeah?" I asked walking into the living room to find my mom, brother, and step father all sitting on the couches waiting for my entrance. "We have to talk." my mom practically whispered. I looked over at Josh to find his eyes bloodshot and bags resting beneath his eyes. "Alright?" I sat on the couch opposite of them not sure if I want to hear what they have to say. I've never seen Josh like this, so it can't be good. My mother and step father exchanged glances as if to decide who was going to tell me the news. "Jessica, I- We..." My mom trailed off bursting into tears. "We're sending you to England." What? It's not like we have family in England. So why another country? Questions rushed through my head and, before I could ask any Josh spoke up. "Your going as a foreign exchange student." He sniffled avoiding eye contact. "What? Why? I have so much here!" Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a little bit. Okay, maybe more than a little, a lot. The only thing I have here worth staying is my best friend and Josh. Pathetic, I know. But, I can't lie. What will that get me? Right, absolutely nothing. "No you don't. And that's exactly why your going." My step father stated seriously. How is he not breaking down like my brother and mother. Oh yeah, I forgot, he doesn't care for me. That's why. It was probably his idea to send me away. I'd ask why Josh isn't going but he has so much here. He's quarterback of the football team, He's dating the head cheerleader, and everyone in our town knows him. "How long will I be gone?" It surely won't be that long, right? Exchange students are usually only gone for about 6 months. "2 years." What? Is that even possible? Who has an exchange student for 2 years!? "Isn't that like... impossible?" It has to be impossible. They'd have to be practically adopting me. "No, we talked to the family and you have no reason to stay, so we are going to give you a makeover and ship you off to England." Nick obviously doesn't have a problem with this arrangement. Makeover? is that his nice way of saying I'm not attractive? "When do I leave?" I whipped away the tears that I didn't even know we're streaming down my face. "Well, you leave in a month. We got you a personal trainer to get you in shape and then you're going shopping to get a whole new wardrobe." Is this his smooth way of saying I'm not good enough to fit societies perfect image of a girl? "I can't believe this." I ran upstairs taking my glasses off and setting them on the headboard. "Get a good sleep. You have training tomorrow!" Nick called up the steps. I closed my eyes, this is going to all blow over. This has got to be some kind of sick joke.

Surprisingly the last month has gone by fast. I thought that exercising everyday and shopping would drag by and my parents would say it was a joke but it wasn't. I'm really leaving. For 2 years! I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I can't complain about my makeover though. Who would have thought that I could go from a girl with glasses, blonde hair, medium size, and un-revealing clothes to Contacts, long blonde hair, small body figure and revealing clothes. I never pictured myself as the type of girl to wear a dress and here I am packing plenty of them. I look... Beautiful. Like a boy could actually like me. I finished sliding on my sweatshirt and sweatpants before grabbing a pair of Vans. Yeah, It's a plane ride. I hope people don't expect me to get dressed in a prom dress. "Jessica, we're leaving in five minutes." Josh walked into my room grabbing my luggage as I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. "I love you. I'll miss you so much." I pulled him into a hug, surprised that he didn't squirm like he always does. "I'll miss you too." He planted an awkward kiss on my cheek before pulling away from the hug and walking downstairs to the car. Who would have thought that I'd be giving up everything, wait, let me rephrase that, very little to move to England temporarily. If I had any say in this I would be sleeping right now, or texting Anna. But, I don't get a say so I'm leaving the country to go live with a family I don't even know. I walked to the door way of my room before turning around and taking one last look before I get back in 2 years. I'm only in 10th grade and I'll be staying there until graduation. It's a little over two years because I have to finish out 10th grade but whatever there's no use in arguing it'll be useless. I ran down my stairs leading to my from door. "Bye house!" Okay, I realize I'm talking to a house but who cares. I talk to an animate objects, Get over it. "Jess, let's go." Josh waited by the cab. Of course, they won't even drive me to the airport. I have such a caring family, Note the sarcasm. "Alright, well I guess I'll see you in about 2 years?" My mother nodded staring and the cement drive way. "By Joshy." He scrunched his nose at the name but didn't object. "Nick." I nodded in his direction before waving goodbye and climbing in the back of the cab. As soon as I shut the door the cab started driving, throwing me into the back of the Gainesville passenger seat. "Thanks." I rolled my eyes pulling the seatbelt over my and clicking it into place. I stared out the window. I'm really going to miss the United States. England is completely different than the U.S. "So where are you flying to?" The cab driver attempted to make conversation. How can you practically throw someone out of their seat and then try to make conversation? I pretended not to hear him by staring out the window and humming lyrics to one of my favorite songs, If You Can't Hang by Sleeping With Sirens. I have to admit, boys with tattoos are extremely attractive. Before the driver could attempt to make more awkward conversation we arrived at the airport. "Thanks." I climbed out of the car and walked to the trunk to get my luggage. You'd think I'd have a ton of bags but, unfortunately I only have 2. I grabbed my carry on and walked quickly into the airport. I've never flown before, so this outta be interesting.

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