Chapter 3

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Jessica's Pov:

"Harry..." I said inching towards the other side of the bed as he got closer. "You are going." I could hear the anger in his voice. He isn't playing around anymore. "Okay." I squeaked putting my arms up in case he tried to hit me. I know he probably wouldn't but he looks as if he would. How can he be partially nice one minute and cold the next? "And if you don't go then you'll just have to find out what happens." He growled clenching his jaw. "Okay okay." I scooted farther towards the edge of the bed, not realizing I was already at the edge and falling off.

Yesterday went worse than I had hoped. I hit my head when I fell off my bed and on top of all that I have to go to a party today. So here I am, at the mall trying to find something to wear to the party. "Harry what should I wear?" I asked for the hundredth time walking into a random shop and waiting for him to follow. "Let me say this for the last time, I don't care." I could tell he rolled his eyes. He tends to roll his eyes at anything anyone says to him. "What about this?" I pulled off a lace dress just for giggles. It's see through, so no way am I actually going to wear it. I am not a hooker so I shall not get it. "No." He looked like he wanted to say more but didn't. "What about this one?" I pulled a peach dress off the rack holding it up to my chest. It comes down to my knees so that should be fine, right? "Yeah whatever. Get it so we can go." He didn't hesitate to walk out of the store leaving me to go buy the dress for the party that he is forcing me to go to.

"Don't drink anything." Harry said focusing on the road. "Drink?" Are they going to have alcohol there? I've never drank alcohol and I'm not sure I want to start now. But, then again he isn't my parent. So I may just drink to prove a point. Although, proving points always turns out worse for me than anyone else. "Yes, as in alcohol. Don't drink anything there." I laughed at his demands. "Incase you haven't noticed I'm here as a foreign exchange student. Not as your child." He looked at me not paying any attention to the road. "What?" He growled. Great, now he's just going to get angry again, and because he can't focus on the road I'm going to die. I might as well stay silent. I don't want to make any promises because I may or may not drink. We pulled up to a large house with teens covering the lawn and music blasting. "Is it to late to back out now?" I said opening my door and climbing out. He ignored me walking up the sidewalk to the front door. Well, I know absolutely nobody here and Harry has already ditched me. I stepped through the door, the smell of sweat and alcohol already giving me a headache. I guess this is a typical high school party. "Hello beautiful." A boy slurred putting his arm on my waist. "She's not interested." I heard the familiar voice of Harry say from behind me. "Maybe I am. Are you my babysitter now?" I questioned him. Who does Harry think he is trying to boss me around. "Harry, I'm just gonna go with this nice boy." I smirked following the drunk into what I assume is the kitchen. He grabbed a tall clear bottle and poured some of the contents into a red solo cup. "Thanks." I said taking the cup and bringing it to my lips. "What did I say about drinking?" Harry growled, snatching the cup from my hands spilling some of the liquid along the way. "Guess what. You dragged me here so I'm gonna have some fun. With or without you." I snatched the cup back bringing it to my lips and taking a drink. The cold liquid left a burning sensation in my throat. As much as It hurts, it feels better. It feels like It's taking a lot of stress away. I finished the drink before getting myself more. "Wanna dance?" The drunk boy slurred. "I'm good for now, thanks." I said taking a drink of my new favorite substance. He nodded before walking out of the room to go dance.

"Let's dance." I said tugging at Harry's shirt. I've had about 6 drinks but I am fine. "No, Jessica you're drunk." Obviously if my name is Jessica then my name isn't 'Drunk'. "No, I'm Jessica. Not Drunk." I slurred trying to walk in a straight line but ending up swerving around the hot house. "No, we need to leave." He grabbed my arm leading me out of the house. "Ow, you need to lighten up!" I screamed storming back into the house. "Jessica, come back here." I heard him behind me sighing. "Harry, I'm surprised you haven't drank yet. You're usually over there with Cassidy. Have you slept with her yet tonight?" My body stopped in its tracks. Why do I have this tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach? I shouldn't care whom he sleeps with. Honestly, it's none of my business. "Harry!" I heard a whiny voice call from across the room. I suppose that's Cassidy. I already don't like her. "Cassidy!" Harry called I could tell he doesn't like her so much. So if he doesn't like her why would he sleep with her? I shook all the thoughts from my brain before walking over to Harry. "Why haven't you drank yet? Usually you're the most wasted person here." Cassidy twirled her finger in his hair obviously trying to be seductive. In all honesty, not even a rock would be attracted to her right now. She's tall, blonde, and slightly pretty. She could be even prettier if her voice wasn't so whiny and she wasn't such a, well I think we all know what she is. "Well, I have to drive her home so I can't drink." He said turning to me. "You guys can just stay the night here." The boy with short blonde hair said. I'm assuming this is his house. "Alright?" Harry looked at me waiting for confirmation. "Whatever." I sighed picking up a random drink from the table. All this boringness has really sobered me up. Cassidy let out a weird gagging sound but I assume that is supposed to be her giggle. Wow, my parents thought I needed a makeover? This girl wears at least 20 pounds of makeup and they thought I need the makeover? Obviously they haven't met her yet.

"Harry, come have a drink." The blonde whined. He shook his head. "I'm not drinking tonight. I have to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." He said pointing at me. I didn't realize I was going to need a babysitter. "No it's fine. I don't need a babysitter." He glared at me asking for a way out. "Great. Lets go upstairs and find a good room." Cassidy said beginning to drag Harry upstairs. He looked back at me pleading for me to say something. "Actually, I wanna go get a drink and I need his help." I lied. Cassidy stopped in her tracks turning to glare at me. I don't need his help. But, if I don't help him out of this situation I'm never going to hear the end of it. "Here have mine." A drunk guy slurred handing me a full cup. "See Harry, she doesn't need your help anymore." She began pulling him out of the room again. "Well, ummmm..." I trailed off trying to look for a good lie. I can't say I want to go home because we already promised we'd stay. I tipped the red plastic cup upside down dumping the liquid on the floor. "I still need his help getting a drink." I looked at Harry pleading for help. She snarled. "You think he'd want a girl like you?" She laughed. A girl like me? What's that supposed to mean? I looked at Harry tears filling my eyes. Why are my even crying over him? I don't even like him. In fact, I can barely stand him. And yet, here I am making up lies for him. "So your convinced that he likes girls like you that have probably slept with every guy in this party?" I shot back hoping it would keep the tears from falling. Harry stood there silently watching the scene. Gosh, I tried to help him. The least he could do is help me out of this situation. "Whatever take Harry, I don't even know him. I met him yesterday and I wish I would have never met him. He's a jerk that I can't stand to be around. So go have fun. And while you are with him just remember, he's using you, just like you're using him." A tear escaped my eye as I turned to leave the party. I heard her laugh before her heels clink up the stairs. I just met Harry. Why am I so offended by what Cassidy said?

"Jessica, wait." I heard Harry call from behind me. Why is he even following me? I expect him to be upstairs in a bedroom... with Cassidy. "What do you want Harry?" I ran out of the house hoping he would give up. "Thanks for trying back there." Is he really thanking me? This boy has some guts to be thanking me. "Thanks? Thanks?" I repeated myself. "I just got here and made myself sound just like her and what she is. And you have the nerve to say thanks? You don't understand do you Harold?" I didn't mean to say Harold but, I did. "I can't believe you. While I was trying to help you I made myself look just as bad as her. And when I needed you to step in you did nothing. NOTHING HARRY!" I said yelling at him. "Actions speak louder than words." I said turning around and storming off. "Did you mean what you said back there?" He yelled just as mad as me. "Of course I did. We met in the most embarrassing way possible. Then you drag me to this party. Do you need a refresher on what I said?" I looked at him not sure of what I was waiting for. "I wish I'd never met you." I growled. I watched as his expression changed to cold. "Fine." He turned around storming back into the house. Great, I could wait until we got home to have this fight? Now I don't have a way of getting home and on my second day here I become Enemies with Harry. Great, just great. This is going to be the best 2 years of my life. I stomped back in the house after him. I really need to get my own car. "Harry, take me home." I demanded finding him on a couch with a drink in his hand. "No." he took another large drink before setting his cup down. "Please." I pleaded hoping for him to change his mind. He stood up from the couch walking towards the door. Surprisingly, the fight with Harry has really sobered me up. "Harry-" He cut me off before I could speak. "Don't." He said coldly.

I rolled over in bed immediately regretting waking up. My head is killing me and if I would have slept longer I could have slept through it. I haven't talked to Harry since we got in the car yesterday and I'm not sure I have anything to say to him. I have this feeling if we talk things are just going to blow up, again. I'd like to think that I didn't mean what I said yesterday. But part of me does regret meeting him. One minute he's nice and in a teasing mood and the next he's ice cold. I crawled out of bed not caring about my appearance and walking downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning." Anne greeted me standing at the counter with a cup of coffee. "Good morning. Do you have the day off?" I questioned trying not to let a groan escape. I watched Anne's head turn to the doorway so I let mine follow hers to the entrance to find a shirtless Harry. "Good morning." I mumbled trying to be polite. I rolled my eyes when he ignored me. "What's going on between you two?" Anne questioned as I walked out of the room to avoid Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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