chapter 57

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ross- hey princess

laura- rossy *jumped in his arms* I love you! I love you! I love you

ross- I love you too beautiful

laura-*pecked his lips*

ross-happy birthday

laura- thank you sexy

ross- um sorry I didn't got you anything

laura- I know what we can do *winked*

ross- there's people in the house

laura- yea, no body is in my house

ross- okay then

knock knock

laura-*opened the door*

ryland- I'm sorry

laura- okay

ryland- I'm sorry ross

ross- it's okay bro, you helped me out of there

laura- wait... ryland helped you.. you guys didn't pay, I wanted to pay too, but it was 200,000 dollars, I didn't have all the Money, thats why I didn't help you, rossy is the police looking for you?

ross- no sweetie, ryland paid

laura- really?

ryland- I saved 100,000

laura- what about the other 100,000

ryland- I borrow it from the bank, I need to pay it, as soon as possible

ross- I'm gonna help you

ryland- no it's okay, I just came here to tell y'all that everybody left, I'm going to Kendyls house right now, you guys gonna have some time alone, well bye *left*

ross- ok

laura-*pushed ross in the bed! and got in top of him*

r rated

ross-*laughs* protection?

laura- don't use that

ross- okay *slowly undressed laura*

laura-*slowly undressed ross too*

ross-*squeezing laura breasts*

laura- oh ross


laura- oh yea

ross-*entered laura! and thrusted in and out of her*

laura- AHHhhhhhh

ross-*laughs, then went faster*

laura- slow down

ross- no no *went even faster and deeper! and of course harder 😏*

laura-*screaming ross name*

ross- I love when you scream my name

laura- umm hum

ross-*went harder*


knock knock

ross- oh shit

laura-*heavily breathing* oh crap what do we do?

ross- I don't know

laura- go to the bathroom *still breathing heavily* ohhh

ross- okay *went to the bathroom*

laura-*went downstairs! and opened the door*

?!?!- hey laura long time

laura- hey parker whats up

Parker- I heard today is your birthday, so happy birthday

laura- thanks Parker

Parker- why you breathing like that,what were you doing?

laura- oh nothing, gotta go

Parker- wait

laura- what?

Parker- *kissed laura on the lips*

laura- *didnt kiss back*


Parker- *pulled away*

laura-*ran to ross*

Parker- sorry *left*

laura-*closed the door! and started laughing*

ross- whats so funny?

laura- you realize your naked right

ross- whatever *pulled laura closer to him* do you want to continue?

laura- no lets watch a movie or somethin

ross- okay *got dressed, turned on the tv! and made some popcorn! and cuddle with laura on the couch*

ryland-*slammed the front door! and went to his room crying*

laura- what happened to him

ross- I don't know, let's ask him

*they both went to ryland room! and knock on his door*

ryland-*crying* come in

ross+laura- what happened?

ryland-*crying harder* I think I killed kendyl


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