Chapter 17

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Ross- I'm not telling you yet , I'll be back *got the keys of his car, and started driving to a flower shop*

?!?!?!- hi how can I help you

Ross- I would like to bye a lot of red roses

?!?!?!-*winked at ross* sure baby! by the way my name is brandy

Ross- yea brandy, can you get my roses

Brandy- do u want to have some fun with me tonight

Ross- no what the hell, hurry up, get my flowers

Brandy- alright I'll be back *went to the employee room and took most of her clothes off, she was only in bra and a thong then she went out again*

Ross- what the hell are you doing

Brandy- having fun

Ross- get away from me, I'm proposing to my beautiful girlfriend, and I would never date someone like you

Brandy- alright, I see how it is GET OUT OF MY STORE

Ross- SLUT *left the store and started driving*


What the hell, that's the worst thing that have ever happened to me, I don't care about him!!! I'm gonna call my boyfriend cause I need his help *took out her phone*

Brandy- hey quintin is me brandy

Quintin- hey brandy

Brandy- baby I need your help

Quintin- yea sure tell me

Brandy- some boy embarrassed me in the store today, I need you to beat him up

Quintin- is it the same boy I beat up yesterday

Brandy- no this is another one

Quintin- alright, I'll do it later cause I'm busy right now *moaned*

Brandy- what was that

Quintin-*moaned again* nothing bye *hung up the phone*

Brandy- this boy better not be cheating on me, I know I cheated on him a lot of times, but if I find out he's cheating on me I'll kill him with my own hands


What the hell is wrong with that girl, no I love laura, but the problem is I got some tiny feeling for maia, now I'm really confused, should I go back to laura, or ask maia to be my girlfriend, I probably gonna ask maia out, she's beautiful, ahhhh but I want to be with laura too, wait, did I told that girl brandy that I was proposing to laura huh, that would be awesome to be married with laura but I don't want that now I'm too young I'm crazy, what am I going to do about the maia and laura thing *went back to the house*

Riker- hey bro whats up

Ross- some girl wanted to do...... You know..... With me

Riker- oh you mean sex

Ross- yea, I have a big problem

Riker- you did it with her

Ross- no the thing is, I have feelings for maia too

Riker- ohhh that's a problem, who you choosing

Ross- I guess Mai.... No lau....... I don't know

Riker- yea I have a problem too

Ross- what is it

Riker- I like Vanessa, you guys were right, I can't stop thinking about her, can you get her number for me

Ross- okay I'm gonna go to Laura's house right now,then I'm saying sorry to maia *got the keys of his car and started driving to laura house*

Knock knock

Laura-*opened the door*

Ross-*hold laura waist and pressed his lips onto lauras*

Laura-*kissed back*

Ross-*slowly pulled away* sorry laura! I'm really sorry

Laura- it's okay I forgive you

Ross- I love you laura, I didn't how you cared about me

Laura- I know I just got really jealous, I love you too ross, I really do, but please don't kiss any girls , next time if I see you kissing another girl I'll kill her then you

Ross- I won't, but Im Still shocked that you slapped maia, then kissed me in front of her and called her slut

Laura- that's what she get for touching my things, please never let me go ross

Ross-*hugged laura super tight* i promise! I think maia deserve a apology from you

Laura- NO what the HELL, I'll never say sorry to that slut *phone rangs* hello?

?!?!?- hey BFF, can we hang

Laura- brandy is that you

Brandy- yup, I have so many things to tell you

Laura- okay brandy, meet me tomorrow at the mall

Brandy- okay bye *hungs up the phone*

Ross- please don't tell me she works at a flower shop

Laura- yea why?


Guys I'm adding new characters, I hope you like this chapter, what do you think laura is gonna do to her BFF brandy? Wait and see

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Love ya!!

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