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A couple of days ago i found out something life changing i will never be the same. I found out that I had spinal fluid ( fluid that comes from your spine of course) on my brain. My brain is not getting enough blood from the veins and arteries. The spinal fluid is pressing down to hard. I will have to get something called a spinal tap. This is where the doctors stick a giant ass needle in my back. This needle sucks all the spinal fluid off of my brain. But the down side is if the spinal tap was not enough i will have to get surgery on my brain the will put a shunt in my brain. The shut will be in me for the rest of my life it will drain the spinal fluid 24/7. But if my parents decide that they don't wanna give me the care that i need then i will live with it for the reat of my life. But if they decide theu want to do it later i will have a higher risk of going blind or death. I wanted to tell you guys this because i dont want to be that person who keeps things inside so i decided to spill this to you my best friend will get all of my social media accounts and wattled she will also be reciving my cat. But this will only be if i die so please dm me if you have any questions on my disorder good bye for now

Love, Maddy

Instagram: insane_crazy_cat_lady

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