Chapter 2- Blondy

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_book_nerd_013 - thank you SOO much !!!

aveonalily- thank you for commenting and following I really do apreciate it!!!

( I'll always put the shout outs right before a chapter )

I wake up with a sharp pain on the side of my head and blink my eyes a few times to adjust to the sun in my eyes.

Once I can finally see I look at my surroundings. I'm on a really big boat with several latches that seem to lead to places under the boat.

"Morning Sunshine" a voice calls from behind me and I quickly turn my head to face the killer. My face turns pale as I put two and two together.

He must have knocked me out, kidnapped me, and now I'm stuck on his freaking boat in the middle of nowhere. He chuckles at my frightened expression and I frown back at him.

He starts to slowly take steps towards me and my mind is racing. What do I do what do I do??? I take a run for the side of the boat and prepare to jump.

Another voice calls from my side "I wouldn't do that if I were you" the voice laughs "piranhas."

I turn to see a strikingly handsome blond with bright blue eyes.

"D-did he take you too?" I ask actually not sure by the look of innocence on his face.

He laughs hysterically, I guess not. I go to speak but the man with the dark eyes cuts me off "Before you ask the basic ' Why are you doing this ' and ' What do you want ' just know I want nothing more than your death", he says giving me a obnoxious fake smile.

I mock him with an impression of his voice to tick him off "I want nothing more than you death."

"I am truly terrified" I say sarcastically.

The blond laughs and I face him "He isn't the only scary one here blondy" I say as if I weren't scared of him either even though that's a lie.

"I'll show you scary" he says pointing a gun to my head. "Go ahead. Please really! I was going to try and kill myself later" I say honestly, I would much rather be dead than stuck on a boat with these two freaks.

He looks so surprised almost vulnerable. I quickly grab the gun out of his hand before he can realize what I'm doing and point it at my head just to throw them off.

"What the fu-" blondy is cut off
"STOP!!" yells the one with dark eyes.

I laugh and throw the gun off the boat.
"Man it is sad how easily I can reverse the roles we have" I say still smiling at how stupid I made them look "Soon I'll be the one killing you two freaks!"

They both walk towards me and blondy grabs my wrists. Uh oh here comes pain, I brace myself and just as I suspected I get slapped. Then punched. Then eventually I black out.


I wake up to feel my hands are tied down by a few ropes. The room is pitch black besides a dim light coming from a small window to my right.

The boat suddenly launched forward so hard the rope holding me back snapped and sends me flying into a large pile of boxes.

I bite my lip to conceal a whimper as I struggle to stand up again. Once I finally gained enough strength to stand up I start pulling boxes into the faint light so I could search for something useful.

The first box I search through has nothing but screws and bolts in it. Who needs that many freaking screws?

I went through five more boxes before giving up and searching for a way out. A small glare catches my eye and I notice another window with moonlight shining through.

I carefully walk to the window when I hear a scream. It sounds like a guy scream not one of those girly screams.

I start running, I can't just leave someone to die. "AHH" I yell as I trip falling onto the concrete floor.

My knees hurt but nothing feels broken. I hear another scream and I launch up looking for a door. The scream sounds so close almost as if it is next door to me.

Once I find the wall I start sliding my hand across it looking for a handle.

Once I finally find a small latch I pull on it gently until I realize it is stuck. Using all my weight I pull the latch until it opens sending my body plummeting back onto the hard concrete once again.

Wincing in pain I stand back up and walk threw the door leading to a much brighter room. I stand there slightly vulnerable letting my eyes adjust until I realize I'm not the only one who has been kidnapped.

A guy who looks about my age is tied up the same way I was only he has cuts all along his shirtless chest. His hazel eyes stare into mine and his expression shows fear yet hope.

"He is coming back" he says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Act like I'm not here I have a plan" I say grabbing the small knife next to me and putting it into my pocket.

Blondy walks into the room and starts humming a dangerous tune that echoes through the room. I run in front of him the pocket knife in my hand and smile.

He looks back at me confusion in his eyes and I pull him into a kiss, right before stabbing his leg and sending him to the ground. I take the bloody knife and quickly untie the guy with hazel eyes.

"Well come on!" I yell at him signaling we had to run.

"Wait we need a plan" he says back at me. "Does it look like we have time for a plan?" I pause then answer my own question "No, so let's go".

He stands there hesitantly so I grab his hand and run through door blondy went through to find the murderer with black eyes sitting on the side of the boat facing away from us.

We stand there silently for a few seconds until I feel the urge to sneeze.

Uh oh.


The killer with black eyes slowly turns to see us and points his gun. "BOOM" he shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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