Dog Fights

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     I just woke up, it's been awhile so I got to know some animals and make friends. Luna, Law and Crystal are really the only ones though. "Hey Jack, wake up!" It was Luna, she can be annoying sometimes. "Coming," I meowed. I hopped out of my bed and padded over to her. She was mostly white but had some light brown on her. Her boyfriend Law was all black with dark yellow eyes. He was different though, he couldn't become human. "Let's go! Law's waiting," she said, and turned and ran down the hall. I bolted after her. In the dinning room was Law, sitting and waiting patiently. "Finally," he said. Luna slowed down and have his ear a nudge. She turned around and looked back at Law. "I'm coming," he said ,"Ok Jack, come on." We dashed out of the dinning room and into the garden. But, something got into Luna. She skidded to a stop and her ears pinned back, she showed her teeth and started growing and snarling. She turned, but kept staring at this one light gray wolf. "Oh please Luna, you don't scare me," said the other wolf. Luna straighten up and walked and faced the gray wolf, their noses almost touching. I was tense, I definitely didn't wanna get in the middle of this, those big wolves could kill me in a millisecond. "YOU," screamed Luna, scratching the gray wolf across the face while also grabbing everyone's attention. Luna grabbed the gray wolves scruff and tried to shake her around. The gray wolf attempted to fight back then-
      "Luna stop!" Yelled Marie, the owner of this place. Luna let go. The first thing I saw was Law's face, scared and shocked. "Get," said Marie. Luna slowly got up and walked toward Marie. They both walked out of the yard and back inside.

         "At least I wasn't part of that," i thought.

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