3 - Anytime

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How much longer? I thought, tapping my foot impatiently. Was it always like women to be extremely late, even when it wasn't necessary?

I stood outside, leaning against the short brick wall, waiting for Chloe to show. Last night, she called my house phone, at an ungodly hour, ranting about how much homework she had stacked upon her shoulders. Feeling slightly sorry for her, I offered to lend her some of my notes, but only if she agreed to meet with me outside school just before class started.

And I couldn't even trust her with that.

As I waiting impatiently for my blonde friend to finally make her appearance, a hand landed on my shoulder, making me jump from the touch, spinning around on impact.

A chubby boy, around the same height as me, curiously glanced me up and down before he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Uh, hey man, sorry to startle you there, but I'm new and I'm having a bit of trouble finding the administration office..."

"Oh," I replied, calming down after the mild heart attack. "Sure dude, it's just through those double doors there, and the immediate door on your left."

I pointed to the large set of wooden doors that were wide open for the schools entrance. Students were filing in and out slowly, almost as eager as I was to start the new school day.

"Oh damn, thanks dude!" He exclaimed, turning back to face me. He tucked a strand of his long brown hair behind an ear before he continued. "I cannot tell you how confusing it is to wander around all over the place, be sent back and forth from the entrance to the back, and still have no idea where you are."

"Oh man, I can imagine," I agreed. "I mean, It wouldn't be such a problem if they placed signs on the doors."

"I know, right? Like, would it kill them to have some sort of common sense?"

We both laughed at the comment.

"Oh, my name's Arin," he introduced, holding out his hand for me to shake. I took it.

"Dan," I introduced myself as I let go of his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Dan. You gonna head inside?"

He gestured to the wide building behind us, where more and more students were piling in.

On any other day, I would have said 'sure' but because of my own commitments, I was forced to stand here and wait for the other person in my life.

"In a minute, dude," I assured. "I'm just waiting for a friend to hurry up and get here."

He shrugged. "Fair. I better get inside anyway, get this paperwork sorted out before the first bell rings."

"Alright man. I'll see you around."

"See ya, Dan."

And with that, he turned and walked off, heading towards the double doors of his new school, and disappearing in the mix of students filing inside.

I turned myself back around, continuing to lean against the wall.

Where are you, Chloe?

Growing more impatient by the second, I devised a small plan in my mind. If Chloe didn't show up by the time the school bell rang, I would march inside without her. She could get her notes at lunch or something, I wasn't about to be late on her behalf.

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