Singing with the Rookie's

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Celebrity News!!

KIERSTEN MCLAREN Caught kissing in the Parking lot with her Rumored Boyfriend!!

My name, it's written in Bold capital letter and the picture of me and brycen kissing displayed in the front cover, and on top of that it's a Celebrity Magazine, I felt fluttered to be one of the so-called celebrities, but my heart stung for them invading my precious privacy.

It's normal in Hollywood My wolf said imaginary patting my back, I just thank her mentally and I on the tv and I bit my inner cheeks with my teeth as I saw again the picture of me and brycen and a blonde lady with her mid-thirties talk in the tv as a huge grin plastered in her lips.

"The America's Sweetheart dreamer Kiersten McLaren, was caught kissing in the parking lot with her rumored Boyfriend that is said to be a total Hot and greek god like features" I chuckled at her definition to brycen and I gasped as brycen breath in my ears and nibbled it as I giggled and smack his cheeks lightly.

"hello there hot and greek god like "  I teased him as I kissed his soft kissable and plump lips.

I inhaled his scent and my wolf purr to his amazing axe scent shampoo, every guy smelled like a sweat bag with a deep and annoying heavy cologne after bath but his scent is so unique that he puts every axe guy model's to shame.

He's my mate afterall.

he lifted my body at his lap and I adjusted myself ang hugged him tightly as I buried my face in his broad chest.

"they're curious about our relationship. ." I mumbled barely audible.

"let them, atleast they know you already belonged to someone else.." he whispered as he kissed my cheeks softly.

"go get ready you have a big night tonight" he winked and I stood up and looked at the clock and I was relieved I still have 8 hours to get ready as I took a shower and we started to prepare.


"WAAHHHH!!!!" I scream as I ran towards the arena, I hear brycen calling my name but I ignore him and childishly race towards the entrance, I gaped when I saw the inside..

I'm awestruck.

"kiersten!!!!" a very familiar voice calls me and I saw adelaydi, just beside the stage staff, but she ran towards me instead and hugged me.

"where's kaycee?" I asked curiously.

"I'm here!!" kaycee shouted and I chuckled as I saw her holding an ice cream while running towards us.

we all gave a group hug which became our hobby recently and we pulled as the staff calls me and my eyes almost bulge as I saw taylor, demi, selena, ed sheeran, owl city, rihanna and some of celebrity singer's line up while smiling at my direction.

I squealed almost hurting the ears of all the people in the arena and all of them laugh at me, I go to their direction and I looked like a fish the whole time for having a perfect 'O' in my mouth.

"hi there kiersten!! glad to invite me in your first concert!" demi said as she hugged me and I just blushed.

"look! she's blushing" selena teased poking my cheeks.

"don't tease the poor girl" taylor cooed as she hugged me like a kid.

"girls this days" ed sheeran said with his slight british accent and we all laugh, but startle as the staff said that we will be start rehearsing.

we all rehearse and I look like an idiot grinning the whole time, while I sing with them they are all too professional and glad to have them as my guest in my very first concert.

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