Why did you Forbid me father?

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Those four words stroke my heart like a knife, and I didn't even notice that tears are already forming on my cheeks as my eyebrows curved in anger.

"then why didn't you told me earlier?!?!?" my voice boomed at the car and I clenched my fist.

"I didn't know that Brycen is your mate!! if I know I--"

"Damn it dad!! how can I have a half brother when I'm your only daughter?!" I sobbed and he sighed as he run his fingers to his strands of gray hair.

"A few years ago I've met a woman, even though she's not my mate I felt that she's the only one for me, and she became mine and married me, soon after, she got pregnant and that child that she bears is you.." he held back the forming tears in his eyes as he inhaled deeply and continues.

"one month have passed after your birth, she became pregnant again.. but this time, I'm not the father..but her real mate..she confesses her affair with him, and soon after she left me without a notice and later that day, I've heard that she runaway with him, and left us.." he breakdown and I hugged him and swallowed my painful realization as I cry harder.

"where is she now..?" I whispered to him as I sobbed.

"she died..giving birth to your brother..." 


I pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears as I place my hands to my pained chest.

"I've gotta go.." I muttered and I get out of the car as I stumbled but quickly recovered and started to  runaway, from everything...

my father kept calling me but I didn't looked back and run as fast as I could with a blurry vision because of my tears, I wiped them off but I yelled when it kept falling down and I take off my heels as I run faster.

[ play the song on the side --->]

I fall down on my knees and let the tears fall as the cold rain pours, it encourages me to cry harder as I take my knees closer to my face and held my chest hoping for the pain to stop.

but it wasn't.

I  looked at the dark grey sky and started to yell in anger.

He's my Brother...

those  words kept echoing in my mind and I cried even harder, I already loved him...He became part of my life already, but my heart betrays me, I was wrong, about everything...

I stood up and walked blindly as I walk in the cold highway using my barefeet, I stutters and felt weak because of coldness and pained feelings.


I open the door and I held back my tears as I saw a small set of dining table on the living room, he came out holding a wine and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he saw my appearance.

'what happened?" he ask and he smiled as he placed the wine and came in front of me, and wiped the dirt in my face using his towel.

"a birthday girl shouldn't be dirty on her day" his eyes shown happiness causing my heart to throbbed and I blink away the forming tears.

"I--I'll just clean myself up.." my voice crooked and I go to the stairs as I bit my lip from making a sobbing sounds.


the hot steaming water flows on my back as the tears are falling uncontrollably on my eyes.

I forgot that today is my birthday..

but he remembers it..

Because your too special for him my own mind stated and I breakdown as I clenched my fist in my chest in guilt.

He's perfect, he's the guy that every woman would want, and I didn't deserved him...I turn off the shower and get dressed as I go downstairs and saw him already waiting for me at the table, I faked my smile and I sat beside him hoping he'll not notice my swollen eyes.

he held my hand and I looked at everything but him, I wouldn't want to meet his beautiful eyes, they would only make me cry and breakdown in front of him.

because they're all so caring and sincere.

"I have something to give to you.." he said and he take a velvet box beside him.

he open it up and I saw the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen, he came to my side and he putted on me as he kissed my cheeks gently.

"I've made them for you.." he whispered and I smiled to him.

"brycen..." I trailed off and looked at his eyes swallowing my guilt.


"kiss me..."

Because I wanted to feel your lips for the last time..

he caress my cheeks and he pressed his soft lips gently on mine, and I haven't notice that tears are falling on my cheeks, he pulled away and looked at me with a worried expression.

"what's wrong?" he wiped away my tears and I held his hand, as I blink my tears away.

"I'm just touched to your sweetness" I lied and faked a small laugh.

 he lowly chuckled and played a soft music on the stereo.

"you're so adorable kitten..dance with me.." he held his hand out and I take them as we started dancing to the music.

I'll missed those times of you calling me kitten...

he held my hand and I gripped it tightly as I looked at his big hands that are so comforting.

I'll miss your hands holding mine...

he smiled and I smiled back as I placed my free hand on his chest.

And I'll miss feeling your heartbeat, knowing they only beat for me....

I hugged brycen hiding my forming tears as he held my waist tighter, we dance to the sweet melody of the song as brycen caress my hair that made my heart feel pained.

"I love you kiersten, happy birthday" he said with familiar gentle voice.

"I love you too brycen..with all my heart..." I whispered to him barely audible.

My first time saying of my love for him.

and my last One.


I woke up and his grip was already loosen on my waist, his breath was now slow showing that he's already asleep, tears fall down on my cheeks as I kissed his cheeks.

I held my pen and paper as I  wrote my farewell letter for him, each word that I wrote was replaced by the strokes of pain on my chest and tears that are falling.


I know that you'll hate me after this, but always remember that you're the only person that I've loved this much, please don''t go look after me, because I wouldn't go with you, I know that you knew I chose you, but I've just realized that we're not meant for each other, and I wanted us to break up,. I love you, and I will miss you - Kiersten

I placed the note on the night stand and I take my one last look to his beautiful face as I wiped my tears and I sobbed.

"I know you'd be angry to me, but always remember that your the only one that i've loved this way.."


Author's Note:

*wipes tears* I cried writing this chapter!! but don't worry lovies this is not yet the end!! the tams chapters will be having 32 chapters!! and now we're getting closer to the ending, but the sequel of this will be having a different story plot, and you'll know it once I updated it after I finish this one love ya!!

please be a fan, add this to your reading list and..




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