Begin Again #4

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A/N:I'm gonna be busy next week so might as well post this now.Enjoy!

"This house is getting too small,what do you say we find a bigger plot of land?I want the kids to have a playground, a bigger swimming pool, you can have a make up room, I can have a music room, a theater,a game room, what do you think?"Nathan asked looking at the sky, as if painting the dream house in his head.

They were out on the balcony, just enjoying the view in front of them.For her, it's the trees and the mountain miles away. For him, it was, as usual, her.

It was a windy and dark night, with only the moonlight allowing them to see what's ahead.

With his arms wrapped around her and her head on his shoulder, he hums quietly.

"Don't you think that's a little expensive?"she whispered, not wanting to ruin the peacefulness.

"Babe, I just want us to have our dream house."he explained, planting a kiss on her head.

"Isn't what we have right now enough?"hugging him tighter and

inhaling his manly scent.

"I know but...I want our house to be as comfortable as possible.Please?"he pleaded looking straight into her eyes knowing that his eyes are her weakness.She quickly looked away aware of his tactic.

"Babe, that's just a waste of money."He sighed, letting his hand caress her smooth arm, making sure she wasn't cold.

"What if we treat it as a vacation house? Will you let me? We can build one at your hometown and mine."

"Woah! Slow down, mister.Three houses?! Tell me one reason why we would need that many?"she asked detaching herself from him and turned to meet his gaze.

"One, for you and I, the other two for the kids."

"They won't need a house that  big."

"Please,babe?"he pleaded.

"I don't want to waste money, babe.If we build the houses, what's going to happen to the kids' futures?"her eyebrows furrowed, looking ahead.

"Babe, we have billions of money.I'm still working and we earn a lot more than we spend everyday.We have enough money for the kids' future and our retirement."

"What if there was an emergency?"

"Babe,"he took her hand in his."You're thinking too much.Don't worry, okay?We have enough money.I planned this several years ago.Just tell me what you want and that's what we'll put in our dream house."

"Babe,I'm perfectly fine with this house."she reasoned.He sighed.

"Think about it,okay? Your own room.With all the make up, clothes and shoes you want."


"I'm done trying to convince you...for now."

Here I am sitting on the floor with Kim.Her toys are all over the floor and I'm just tiring her for her nap in an hour.Alex on the other hand is with his dad.

"Baby,how old are you?"she held up 4 of her fingers.

"Yay! Good job, baby!"I said clapping my hands with her.She slowly walked towards the bookshelf and took a book.Then she came back to me and sat on my thigh.She opened the book herself and I read to her.

After reading to her, I went to the kitchen to get her milk and she followed me.She raised her hands as soon as she saw the milk.I gave it to her and she ran to her small couch.I watched her as her eyes slowly closed.

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