This is the breakdown and background knowledge for the different classes in Voightire along with their given coat of arms.
The Pures: the royal bloodline, descendants of Valor. They are the highest class.
The Miriya: the noble bloodline, lords and ladies of Voightire.
The Protectors: the warriors, they have no direct bloodline because any Vampyre may become a Protector through training. They are soldiers in the Royal Army and body guards of the Pures.
The Valorians: the religious peoples, they also have no direct bloodline. Any Vampyre may become a Priest or a Temple Maiden of Valor.
The Malok: the worker bloodline, they range from farmers to metal works, etc. They are the lowest class.
King of the Night
Про вампировTradition is everything when you are the daughter of one of the most powerful Lord's in the country. Love isn't an option. Your duty is to follow in the footsteps of those before you. You understood from an early age that a good marriage was the onl...