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Her scaly fingertips stroked the dried ends of her ashy hair. Staring blankly out the window, she waited to hear back from her scouts. They should've been here sooner.

Madam sat in her oversized rolling chair that seemed to swallow her fragile frame. The lights were turned off, awakening the shadows surrounding her and giving the room an eerie feeling. The temperature seemed to have dropped drastically as her smile grew, showcasing rotten and yellowed teeth with unusual sharp ends.

Slamming her frail fist onto the wooden desk, she demanded to know what was taking so long. "Guards!" Almost instantly, a scrawny boy, maybe at the age of fourteen scurried inside. "Why haven't the scouts come back yet?" The boy tried not to wince at the scratchiness of her voice as he answered her while staring at the ground.

"So-sorry Madam. We've just got word that they have reached the gates. It's said to be a successful mission."

Waving him away, the aged woman sat pleased in her seat. Just a few minutes later her head scout announced his presence in her room.

"It went all to plan." His scratchy but deep voice sounded horrid, but was music to her ears.

"Good. It's just a matter of time now. Is everything ready?" Madam questioned, flickering her eyes towards the stocky male.

"The girl left in a hurry. She made it a fast job. She won't be seeing her family anytime soon. Their bags were packed even before she went through the door."

The two wore matching smirks. Her scout, an ex-convict, showed off a visible scar that traveled across his left eye. So as he laughed mischievously along with his boss, it wrinkled menacingly.

"Good, then in just a few months they'll all get what they deserve." The woman pointed her glassy gaze out the window again. The grunts of exertion coming from her warriors were in perfect sync. Endless rows of her men were lined up perfectly, training for what is up ahead.

Her scout stalked to stand next to her seat as they both studied the fighters. His hands were clasped behind his back, almost hiding the evidence of blood that showed on his hands. But Madam refused to question him, she already had a feeling of what he had done. And an almost giddy feeling seemed to erupt inside her.

"There," a frail finger was aimed towards a young man in the center of the lineup, "who is he?"

Scarface the ex-convict gave her a questioning glance, "He's one of the best we have." The man in question was handsome. His shocking blue eyes were enough to render any girl speechless.

"I want you to pull him aside. Train him personally. He's going to be an even more valuable asset." Scarface nodded without question and marched out of the room to do his orders.

She was pleased. After taking over just a third of the Eastern territory in just two days, they were off to a good start. The girl was already on the move. Oh how she wished she could have witnessed her stricken face as she dashed away from home. She wanted to get her hands around her neck. But patience was virtue.

Sighing, she lent back on her seat as she mused on what's to come. In just a short few months, she would be able to control two different worlds. They would bow down to her feet. She would make history, and destroy anything that got in her way. And the best part was that no one had a thing coming. They were all playing in the palm of her hand. And when the time is right, she'll crush them.

She eyed the blue-eyed soldier. If only she were a few years younger, she would probably use him as her own little pet. But no, there was a better idea that was floating through the old woman's messed up head. He would be her secret weapon. Then maybe in the end, when she gets what she wants, he can be her new favorite toy to play with.

Letting lose an evil cackle of laughter, she tapped her fingertips against each other. "It's just a matter of time. It's already been set in motion. Soon, the world's darkness will be my awakening."

And as the sun set behind the horizons, there was an audible lone howl that chilled the bones of any human being. The oranges mingled with the reds in the sky and she pictured the spilt blood of her future victims. It was a sign that the end was near. And she couldn't help but feel excited for it.

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