Ch. 9 Rise Up

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Roman and Kate were left alone in his office. After Lydia had finished filling Kate in on the prophecy, they had all sat there in silence, just understanding the weight of the words that was thrown onto them. The eighteen year old had migrated to Roman's love-seat and curled into a ball while leaning on one of the arm rests. Roman followed to take a seat in one of the chairs that faced his mate.

"Lydia didn't mean anything she said out there." Though his words were spoken evenly, Kate can sense the sincerity in them.

"I'm not mad at her. But ..." Her voice drifted off in uncertainty.

"Kate, no. Don't think that way."

"How can I help it," her words were whispered as she refused to let Roman see her watering eyes, "I can't help but think of what I am capable of. If Lydia wasn't Lydia, and she were human? I would've killed her." She hated crying. It wasn't so much of it coming from sadness, but more of her being so frustrated. She was frustrated at how complicated the past couple of months have been and she was getting exhausted from trying to keep up.

"But you didn't."

"But I could've."

"You're not a murdering."

"No. I just ruin people's lives." One second Roman sat in front of her on his chair, then the next he was kneeling in front of her, clenching onto the fabric of the love-seat.

"You listen to me Kate, and you listen carefully. You cannot allow yourself to drown in that dark hole. You're not alone anymore. I will, we all will, help you figure this out. You won't be able to hurt any of us. I'll be standing with you every step of the way. I'm getting used to this just as much as you are." His cool tone had changed to something akin to warmth. His husky breath wafted over cheek, giving Kate a scent of cool freshness that woke her up.

She was being selfish. This prophecy affected them all. And she needed to step up in order to do what had to be done so that everyone came out of this safely.

"And don't you dare say you're sorry. This is all new to you, and I know that. But I'll help you."

Roman would be lying if he said he didn't want to hold his mate in his arms. But he just couldn't bring himself to. He wasn't sure how he and his beast would react, and he was afraid if he did something wrong. The prophecy felt all too real, now that it had begun.

"When are you turning twenty-one?"

"In seven months." It was the end of May.

"We'll figure this out." Kate was determined to step out of this alive. And she was going to make sure to bring all of them with her. Roman's determined silver gaze agreed with her. They were mates, and they had each other's back.


After eating a late lunch, Roman and Kate retired to her room to hangout. Kate questioned if Roman had any pack duties to do, but Roman, wanting to make sure his mate was alright, push it off saying he had plenty of time to complete them.

And that's how they ended up in her room, Roman sprawled out on her bed and Kate spinning in the office chair that was next to it.

"You know," she spoke as she continued to make herself dizzy, "you totally look different from this angle."

"I bet. Considering you are seeing everyone in a swirl of colors." She laughed, and Roman felt a swell of pride knowing he had done that.

"No silly." She stopped in order to look him in the face as she studied his form. "I meant you sprawled on my bed like that. You look so young and relaxed. Compared to you firm stance all the time. You were beginning to worry me, you know." Now she only swiveled from side to side lightly as they began talking.

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