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"Hey!" A guy with mocha coffee brown eyes yelled to Tyler.
Tyler turned and said "Hi" in a shy way .
"Are you new to this town ?" Josh said .
Tyler nodded
What your name ? Josh asked
Tyler....Tyler Joseph
Oh nice to meet you
My name is Joshua Dun but my friends call me Josh
"Cool" Tyler said .

*there was a awkward silence *
"So when did you move here?" Josh asked
"Two days ago actually I live in that house near the forest." Tyler pointed
"Oh cool" Josh said
"Wanna hang out or something ?"
Tyler nodded .
Josh and Tyler walked to a treehouse in the forest . Tyler felt safe there .
"This is my treehouse Me and my grandpa build it when I was a kid Josh said .
"It's looks nice " Tyler said smiling .
Josh and Tyler started talking about what they liked and there life they had a lot in common .They were busy getting along that they didn't see it was getting dark .Josh took Tyler home and Tyler and Josh got each other phone numbers .

It's kinda boring right now but a the next chapter should be interesting some stuff is gonna happen and yeah hope you like it .

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