The Tragic Lady

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What might beest the problem?

The beautiful part of thee hath now becometh but a shadow

The princess ev'ryone once did admire

Hast now becometh a harlot which ev'ryone shameth

Breaketh free from the shackles of thy presenteth

In thy situation, looking back at thy past isn't a bad thing at all

Tis behoveful to moveth towards a bett'r life in the future.


Thou art still a young rose

Some might've removed thy thorns and abus'd thy beauty

But thou art still the beautiful rose that ev'ryone wast once crazy f'r

That's why even if some hath stepped on thee

Nev'r forget that thou art still thee no matter what happens

So get back up

Regain what thou has't hath lost

Clean up the mess that thou has't started

Look back at thy past and accept thy present

In order to beest able to behold at a brighter future.

Sonnet II - The Tragic LadyWhere stories live. Discover now