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Leigh annes POV***

The first thought that popped in to my head today when I woke up was that I was seriously conciddering not turning up for my audition. What if they dont like me? What if they humilliate me infront of the whole country?

Oh, what will I do? You know what, I will go. I will sing. I won't care what they think all i need to care about is believing in myself! Yeah that will show them.

I spent soo long last night sorting out my outfit. I chose a layed back sort of look, as if to say that i was soo chilled about the whole idea of being famous. As I slipped on my clothes I took a quick look at the clock.

WHAT??? I was going to be late. And with that, i ran downstairs and checked the clock again. I thought the clock was running hours and hours and hours late but then i remembered it said that it was only AM not PM!

With hours to spare I slowly walked upstairs to check my make up. It ws a mess! I removed every single last bit of it;my mascara, all marked around my eyes; my eye shaddow, it looked like I was in one of those horror films where they have black smudges all over their faces and as for my blusher, like a china dolls cheeks!

This time I decided to do it more carefully, making sure it was perfect! When all of that was sorted I got in to the car and off I went with my hands shaking like CRAZY!!!

My hands were still shaking by the time i got there! I only just made it there in time, so as soon as we got there it was my time to shine on the x factor stage! When I walked on to the stage I had a sudden spark of confidence in me like never before.

I sang my best and my best was defonately good enough for the judges. They all stood up and clapped for me. All  of them stood up. Judging by the look on Simons face he was glad!

thanks for your ideas guys it realy helped i hope you like it!!!


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