You're in my way, you better watch out

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"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" demanded the man on the right.

"The boss will love hearing about this." said the one on the left before you could speak. "Walk."

He nudged the end of the gun into your ribs, making you move towards the big shed that hid itself in the vegetation.

You walked into a huge space, with dirty floors, bad lighting and extremely small cages for the animals within them surrounding the never ending room. You could see some spotted hyenas, a couple of teen lions and some birds. On one of the left cages you could hear them, three cheetah cubs crying for their mom. You clenched your fists with rage, holding yourself not to run to them and every other animal there.

"Well, well, well" said Jackson, who had come out of nowhere, "look what we have here. Reconsidered my offer? I'm afraid it's off the table now."

"I believe you have some things of mine and I came to take them back." you said slowly, trying to keep your voice from trembling out of anger and fear.

"All alone? You really are a feisty one, kitten. Maybe you should have asked daddy for help."

"My father has nothing to do with this, it's between you and me." you said trying to buy some time.

"How cute," he mocked "but I already sold them to the highest bidder and I can't have you going about ruining my business." he glanced to the two armed men who had brought you here. They were now at your side, holding you tightly by both arms, handcuffing you.

"You won't get away with this." you said trying to set yourself free.

"But I already have. you really should be more careful, kitten, running around sticking your nose where it doesn't belong... just like your mom used to do."

You felt as if an ice bucket had just been thrown on to you. You tried getting to Jackson but didn't have much luck with both men still holding your sides quite tightly. you knew you would have bruises later, if you ever made it out of that situation.

"You even look like her" he remarked stepping closer and holding you chin up.

Without giving it much thought, you elbowed the man to your left, kicked the one on your right and saw yourself free enough to pounce at Jackson.

He stumbled back to get away from your scratches and kicks as both his minions has recovered and held you back once more, making sure to actually hurt you this time.

"Looks like you'll suffer the same fate as she did." he hissed, his voice cold as ice.

Jackson reached into his jacket and took what looked like a long, thin stick. Before you could question what the hell was going on, another man came running to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Very well. I'll be done with you later. Time to sell your precious cubs." he announced with a smirk.

"You can't do this!" You screamed, not knowing what to do anymore "I'll end you! You'll never get away with this!"

"Silence!" he roared, slapping you hard across the face. If it weren't for the minions holding you, you would have been on the floor by now. "Shut her up and make her watch." he instructed.

Still dizzy from the slap, you came back to your senses when someone glued some tape to your mouth and locked your hands behind your back. One of the men shoved you into one of the cages, making you stumble and hit your head on the metal bars, knocking you out.

Newt's POV

"Get my dad." (Y/N) whispered to me before shoving me backwards onto the opposite direction.

I stood back, listening and seeing two men with big guns take her into the gigantic shed behind them.

Once I began to process what had just happened, I looked down and saw that (Y/N) had shoved her walkie talkie into my jacket's pocket. That was pretty smart, you know, considering that this was the most idiotic thing she has probably ever done in her life.

"Cory, it's Newt. Do you copy?" I said into the communication device.

"Newt? Where is (Y/N)? Where are you?" he fire quickly, already knowing something was wrong.

"I'll explain everything when I see you." I said quickly. "Meet me in the house as soon as you can."

After giving the instructions, I turned off the walkie and Dissaparated back into the house, where after a couple of minutes, Cory ran into.

"What happened?" He asked trying to contain his anger and preocupation.

"That Jackson person has the cheetahs, (Y/N) went after him. I couldn't stop her, I'm sorry."

"YOU'RE SORRY?" he roared before containing himself "Scott? Take the car and tell the Sherif we have an emergency. Do not take no for an answer." He instructed the volunteer that was standing by the door. Once we were alone, he turned back to me in a low voice, resembling a growl. "Get your wand Mr. Scamander. It's time to get my daughter back."

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