Chapter 1

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Harley's POV

I have made California my home, after moving away from my family and friends. I have a good job with an amazing boss, and a badass best friend. I found a decent place to live with affordable rent, in an apartment complex close to work. I have moved on with my life. However, some might say that the past has a way of catching up with you. Every night I close my eyes and I am transported back to that night. Back to the basement of a fellow student's house. The feeling of being trapped, and alone come rushing back. The helplessness returns. I am a werewolf for God's sake, I am not supposed to be helpless, but one does of wolves-bane and any werewolf becomes helpless.

The smells are the worst though. It seems that I can never unlearn the smell of wolves-bane that surrounded me that night. Some of what I remember is feeling alone, and I know there are moments missing, which I still have been unable to decide if the gaps are a good thing or a bad thing. During the days I am able to push everything back and close it away in a little box and lock it way. When my defenses are down that box seems to slam back open and everything comes spilling out.

Recently my wolf has become restless and clawing at me to let her out. It seems to happen more so when I am at work in the club. I am terrified to find out what this feeling means, because I think I know, but I am not ready for that. This feeling reminds me of the way my mother used to explain to me how it felt to find your mate. I am not ready physically or emotionally for a mate after what happened a year ago. My wolf might be ready, but I sure as hell am not. I have been trying to stay busy in the back and avoid going out into the crowded club.

Tonight it seems that Jerry, my boss, has other plans for me.

"Harley, I need you on the floor tonight. Dawn called out sick, so I am down a waitress," Jerry tells me as I walk into the club this evening.

I sigh internally, and say, "Okay Jerry, I will be back out in a minute."

I head to the back and try to get a grip on my nerves. I have worked the floor before , and who knows that feeling might not even happen tonight. After I finish giving my self a pep-talk, I head back out to the bar and grab an apron and a receipt pad. I nod to Jerry and head out onto the floor to start taking orders.

For the next two hours, I take orders and chat with the customers. The feeling doesn't occur and I am thankful. As I am walking back to a table with their drink orders, the most amazing smell enters my system, and I have trouble keeping my wolf at bay. She wants so badly to go find the source of that smell, and roll around in it. I calmly place the drinks on the table in front of the right person then I head back to the bar. I am trying my best not to show my panic, but the thought of meeting my mate, both excites and terrifies me.

When I see Jerry I say, "Hey Jerry, I am taking 5," and head back to the back.

I go straight to the back door and walk outside to get some fresh air. I sit down on the top step and place my head in my knees and try to calm my breathing. I hate that I am denying my wolf her mate, but at the same time I know that I am not ready yet to be a part of a mated couple and all that it entails. I do not hear the door open behind me, to lost in my thoughts. All of a sudden, a hand grasps my shoulders, and the tingles spread like wildfire down my arm.

I jump up and look back at the most handsome man I have ever seen in my entire life. He is like a Greek God with the way his shirt hugs his muscular chest.

"Mate," he says and takes a step forward.

I step back and almost tumble down the stairs leading to the alley below. Strong, yet soft hands, grab my arms before I am able to fall, and pull me into a rock hard chest. For a moment I stand completely still and soak in the heat and the strength from my mate. I finally am able to force myself to pull away from him, and look into his gorgeous face. He looks so happy, that I hate what I am about to do. I don't want to hurt him, but I know inside that he deserves a better mate than I could ever be for him. Especially since he is an Alpha, no way would I be able to handle being a Luna now.

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