Chuck E Cheese. Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I went home that day with a smile on my face. I couldn't have been any more happy that Nathan was with me today to help.

I was walking home today because my car wouldn't start and my mother was off somewhere.  Well it could be worse, it could be raining.  I looked up at the sky for a minute, half expecting it  to start raining because I said that. Maybe the world was happy because I was.

I was broke out of my thought when I heard my name. I looked around and saw Nathan. He stood just inches away from me. I wondered if he was just going to grab me and kiss me passionately....I’d been watching The Notebook way too much.

"Can I walk with you?" He smiled. I was a little shocked and a tiny bit disappointed he didn't grab me and kiss me passionately.

"Don't you have a car?" I raised an eyebrow. Why am I even asking,  I should never question a good thing.

"Eh-it's in the shop." he replied nervously.  He was so lying, I saw it in the school car park that morning.  But I'm wasn’t  going to say anything.

"Okay, you don't have to you know." I smiled back.

"How else am I going to get home?" he chuckled. I secretly rolled my eyes at his but laughed with him. We walked further down the path, two loners engaging in awkward conversation,  a fairytale story.

"So I was, I was, eh-I was just." Nathan stuttered,  rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I tried to hold in my laughter as I watched him.

"I just wanted to ask you if--"Nathan's sentence was cut off by lashing rain that decided to fall.

"Really? Now you come!" I shouted out towards the sky. Nathan looked at me like I was crazy, I was used to it.

Nathan grabbed my hand and pulled me down the path as he ran at full sprint. I tried matching my sprint to his but soon gave up and let him pull me. I relished in the feeling of his touch. The rain soaked me completely but I couldn't help smiling.

We finally made it to my house. I quickly threw Nathan the front door keys and he opened up my house. Both of us ran in, laughing. We were drenched. Our clothes were like a second skin. We noticed that we were still holding hands. I looked down at our hands and my cheeks went red. I looked up slowly and saw Nathans pure grey eyes staring at me.

It felt like everything was going in slow motion. My heartbeat picked up and I could feel myself starting to sweat. If he didn't say something quickly then I could easily pass out.

"Will you go to a restaurant with me tomorrow? " Nathan asked, not faltering his eye contact with me.

"As in, like a date?" I asked hopefully.  Nathan's cheeks went slightly pink.

"Yeah,  like a date thing." He broke eye contact and stared at the floor. I knew this was almost killing him.

"I'd love that." I replied.  Nathan lifted his head and locked his eyes on mine again. His expression didn't change but his eyes did, they looked passionate.  I then remembered that we still have our hands together.  I awkwardly removed them and looked back up to see Nathan inching closer. My breath got caught in my throat as I inhaled sharply. This was it, this was the kiss I was looking forward to. Nathan’s wet hair clung to his face with water falling, mapping out the shape of his face. He grabbed my hands once again and moved even closer.

I closed my eyes in anticipation.  

But I didn't get a passionate kiss, I got a kiss on the cheek...

I opened my eyes in embarrassment and looked quickly to the ground. Nathan pulled away.

"So I'll see you tomorrow. Also can I go with you to school? I left my car in school so I could walk home with you." Nathan laughed at the end. I knew he was lying.

"Yeah of course." I smiled sweetly. Nathan smiled back and left, closing my front door behind him.

I couldn’t believe he kissed me in the cheek,  does he think I'm nine? I wouldn't be surprised if he took me to Chuck E Cheese tomorrow!

At least I had a date.

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