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July 20, 2001

When Mack heard his car door open and close she rushed out of the house and right into his arms. Adam. She held him tight and said against his chest "I don't want to leave you, I don't want you to leave me."

He was holding her just as tightly as she was holding him, his face buried in her hair and simply breathed her in, "I know, I don't want to leave you, or you to leave me either,"

He paused and drew in a steadying breath then continued "But this is not an end, only a new obstacle we have to get over to be together again."

She sighed and lifted her head "I hope you're right," she said with only a little doubt.

He wiped away the tears she had not even known were rolling down her cheeks. "Hey, no crying, we agreed on no crying," he said with tears of his own rolling down his face.

She used her thumbs to wipe away his tears and said quietly "But you're crying too."

He laughed and sniffed a little and said, "You started it!"

We both laughed and cried some more, then after a while of just holding each other he pulled back and said "I should get back home. I promised mom I wouldn't be more than ten minutes, you know how she is."

She nodded and stepped back a little more and said, "Yeah I know, my mom has been crying on and off for the last couple of days," she paused and looked in to the eyes of the man she loved more than anything, they always shown with love for her, just like they did today. "I love you Adam, and I always will."

He closed his eyes and leaned in and rested his forehead against hers and sighed before saying, "I know, and I love you Mackenzie," then he gently touched his lips to hers, once, twice, three times, then the kiss deepened. She never wanted to let him go, never wanted the kiss to end. He was the one to pull away first, his forehead still on hers he said, "I better get going."

She shook her head fiercely and clung to him, tears she had been holding back fell free. "No, I don't want to say goodbye to you, not yet, not ever," she begged on a whisper.

He grabbed her face between his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes, forcing her to see the fierce emotion in them, and he said, "This is not goodbye for us Mack, we will be together again, you hear me?"

She nodded, she did believe him but that didn't mean that she didn't have her doubts, so she asked him the only thing she could, "You promise?"

He smiled and kissed her again and said against her lips, "I promise."

She took a deep steadying breath, Adam always kept his promises. "Okay," was all she said, but it said it all.

He slowly pulled away from her, and reluctantly she let him. He walked back around to the driver's side. He only lived on the next street over, so he normally walked over to her house. Today was different she realized, he didn't want her to have to watch him walk away. Knowing that had the tears falling down harder.

As he was getting in he turned back toward her and she saw the unshed tears in his eyes. He was trying to be strong for her. "I love you, forever and ever," he said and got into the car and drove off.

As she watched him drive away the sobs she had held in took over her and she ran back into the house and up the stairs into her room. She had known this day was coming, she had seen it, but that still had not prepared her for it. That day she learned what true heartbreak was. Right then and there she realized that there would never be any other man for her except Adam Whitney.

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