It was a sunny day
like no other
Just me
and my sisters
your brother
a mischievous little brat
who knew how to cause trouble
we were swimming in my pool
one pool that had been swam in for many days
your brother brought it
and threw it in
we had a game to see who could dive in the fastest
and bring it back up
we did so for an hour
but then I got scared
I said we should not do that
he will throw the brick and put a hole in my pool
We yelled at him
but he didn't stop
so he threw it in
and let it drop
I dove into the icy blue water
trying to ignore him
but then the brick
hit my knee
and sliced it open
I jumped out of the water
and slumped over the side
and grasped my knee
screaming for my mother
which I knew was useless
since she was barely ever home for me or my sisters anymore
I bawled as the blood started to change the blue crystal water, to a dark watery crimson red
I finally flopped my body over the edge the rest of the way
and fell flat on my face
I blacked out and woke up in you fathers arms and in his truck
I felt a shooting pain go up my leg
and let out a whimper
more tears falling from my eyes
Then I felt your little hand touch my little shoulder
and you smiled and said
everything will be alright
I remember you had to wait for me in the the waiting room
and you grimaced when you saw my leg but then let out a joke and made me laugh
you agreed that my mother was no such mom at all
and we both continued from that day on, like everything happened for a reason.
my buddy
my hero
my friend now just a child hood memory
stashed in my heart.© Lydia Jane

Poetry 1: Read it and believe it.
PoetryHere it is, a collection of poems. Poems like no other. Please, sit, relax and drop whatever the f*ck you are doing right now because whatever it is possibly can't be as good as what you are about to read.