uncle Aries

999 54 13

Lillys pov

After running for about 8 hours I finally approach the massive mansion I've wanted to see for awhile. The old Victorian structure still stood firm and strong. I shifted back into my human form and threw on a pair of sweats and a shirt.

Coming more into view I see pack members running around and having fun. I catch sight of the beta and run up too him.


"Lilly it's soo nice to see you again. How have you been?"

"Not good. Is my uncle around?"

"Yea he's in his office. Hes not in a good mood."

"That's ok. When he sees me he'll be happy."

"I know he will. He love you like his own."

"I know!"

I run into the pack house getting hit with all the scents that I once knew. I head up the spiraling staircase up to the fifth floor and down a long hallway to a set of big black double doors. I walk in and the sight I see is amazing. Papers everywhere, broken glass, shredded furniture. I see my uncle hunched over signing papers.

"Don't you know how to knock!"

"Well I think I don't have to knock since you know you love me."

I see him raise his head and his scowl turns into a smirk/ smile. He gets up and with in 3 steps I'm engulfed in a hug. I hug him back feeling happiness run through my body.

"Soo what brings you here?"

"I need help."

"What kind of help? Did someone hurt you? Is someone chasing you?"

"I found my mate."

"Ok, I don't care answer my question."

"He's chasing me and he hurt in a way."

"What kind of hurt?"

"He hurt a child and he yelled at me."

"Asshole. Is he coming here?"

"Yes he wants to meet you."

"Ohh well then let's meet him."


I know this is a short chapter but I will update soon I promise. Vote, comment

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