meeting Aries

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Ryder pov

I've been running for hours and I still can't pick up her damn scent! Fuck!! Where the hell is she. A few of my warriors come into veiw.

"Alpha we didn't find her."

"Keep looking!!"

They were about to run off when a beta approached us. Growling loudly he bends his head slightly showing respect.

"What is your name!"

"James sir."

"What pack!!"

I watch as he rolls his eyes at me. Which angers me more.

"Iam James beta of the war pack."

My eyes widen slightly remembering what Lilly told me.

"I'm looking for my mate her name is Olivia. She goes by lilly."

"I know who she is. We have her in our pack."

"I swear to god if you hurt her I'll kill you!!"

"Haha don't make me laugh! Come with me and I'll take you to her."

I nod. And follow behind him with my men behind me. I look around seeing the pack land come into veiw. It's alot livelier then I thought it would be. I see James chuckle.

"What's so funny."

"You, your looking around shocked. What did except to see everyone terrified and locked in there homes?"

"Kind of."

"Well it's not and actually it's alot better since my alphas niece started to come around more. She makes him happy. And he treats him like his own."

"How does your alpha react around women and children?"

"He treats them with respect and love. And he loves the kids."


We walk I to the pack house and straight to a pair of big doors. James turns to me.

"Stay here I'll tell the alpha your here."

I watch as he disappears behind the door.

James pov

I walk into the forest and see Lilly's mate standing there huffing and puffing as he can't find our land. Since there's a special force field that Lilly set up for us. It's quite fun watching him pout. I stand there a little longer projecting the images to Aries. He starts to mindlinks me.

James as much as it is funny watching him pout you need to go get him. And trust me I'm laughing my ass off!!

Yes alpha. It's just so funny. Now I see where wolves get the huffing and puffing from.

Haha I get it now!!


Now get it the damn boy in here. Just keep me updated.

Will do alpha.

I cut the mindlink and walk away from the territory. Towards him and his men.

~time skip~

I walk into the pack house shaking my head at his accusations about my pack. Like damn we arnt Cruel to our pack just everyone else. I mindlink Aries.

We are coming to the doors now Aries.

Ok tell them to wait out there real quick and come in here and help me clean this place up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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