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Please please don't shoot look my hands they're up, don't shoot I'm only 16
Bang bang
Breaking news 16 year old was shot for possessing a gun.
Racism is dead
Said by the very people who created it .
How is racism dead when black people are being killed every day for being black , they tell us love your completion but that same completion is what causes their reaction. They tell us stand up for what you believe in but as soon as they see us taking action , they put gun in our children's hands to cause a distraction.
We are here to protect and serve , said by the same cops who don't know the laws but want to in force them, they condemn us for being the very people they forced us to be, as soon as they see our children raising they force them to take a knee. They mock our children for not having fathers, but they are the same people who slaughter our fathers for selling cd to bring food home, then they turn to us and say Jerome where's your dad at the store , laughing but deep inside crying because he is buried ten feet under the floor.
Racism will never be dead until we decide to roar and let them hear us ;For it is said Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed, and maybe only then will racism be truly dead.

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