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Shavon pov

When fred opened the door and i gasped with everyone else following me. Then i said"mom" while running to her and pulling her inside.

Once she was inside fred closed the door and walked down the stairs with me and my mom behind him.

When we got done the stairs everyone one was confused so i said" everyone this is my mom Hilda freeman and mom this is Fred, Jem, Ivan, and Candy" while pointing at them when i called their name.

Then my mom said" hi..um Saf i need to talk to you" "ok but first how did you get here and know where i was?"

After i said that my mom took a deep breath and said"well you see if you let me tell you the news i will get to that Saf"

"Ok fine lets hear it mom" i replied while motioning for her to sit down on one of the small couches, but she just stands there looking at my friends.

Then fred said"if your waiting for permission its fine" as he smiles at her on her way to sit on the couch.

Once she sat down jem and fred sat on the couch that was to the right while me and candy sat on the couch in front of her.

When we were all seated i shook my head telling her it was ok to start while ivan pulled up a chair and sat down.

Then she took a deep breath and said"saf um u see you were adopted when you were a baby.....and me and your father loved u very much

But as time flew by we realized that you should know who your true parents are and who your siblings/sibling is to"

"What do u mean?" i replied looking confused as she took a deep breath and continued"

You see dear we should have never pushed your true family away and now that your father" she paused trying to not cry

Before continuing" see he died before we could call you to tell you and you see now its to late for him to tell you once he realized that he made a mistake of keeping it from you......

But its not to late for me so i wanted to tell you now remember your whole name?" she asked

"Yea my name is shavon prandlia freeman" i replied trying to figure out why she brought up my name.

"Well dear your middle name prandlia stands for protasia and chandler"

"Wait a minute thats my parents name"said candy as she stood up

Then she yelled" HOW DO U KNOW MY PARENTS!!!"

"Honey plz sit down and i know your parents because we signed a paper that said i can adopt their child and they cant have contact with them unless the child wants to or the new parents want to.

As u see we never wanted to because we thought u might leave us so we kept it from you

"That's why all the kids at school kept calling me an adopted freak i just thought they were crazy"

"Yea your father got drunk one night and told the whole town he almost told u but i lied and said u weren't home

"Im sorry i kept it from you"

Ooooooo!!! Drama so how do you think he going to take it will he forgive her or flip out?

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now