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Jemma:hey open the door

Jemma:plz im getting scared

Jemma:hurry plz hurry

Jemma:omg im gonna die open the frickin door

Fred:i just woke up to ur txting 50 million times what do u want

Fred:oh never mind here i come

Freds pov

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!
When i woke up i decided to look at my phone to see who the hell was texting me so late in the night.once my eyes adjusted to the light i noticed ot was jem so i texted her back"i just woke up to ur txting 50 million times what do u want" then i noticed what she texted me and txted back"oh never mind here i come".i was still half a sleep as i put my slippers on and walked to the door wondering why the hell was she here.once i opened the door she rushed in and closed it while locking all the locks as she was shaking with fear like she saw a ghost or something.even when i touched her arm to try and calm her she jumped and looked at me then sighed in relief as i looked at her confused.then we went to my room and sat on the floor criss cross apple sauce style well at least i did she sat with her knees in her chest and her arms around them rocking back and forth like a traumatised child so i decided to ask"are you ok?"breaking the silence between is.then she said softly"no" "what happened" i replied hoping she would look at me but she just started crying softly,so i scooted next to her and grabbed her hand and said"squeeze my hand if someone hurt you".two minutes later she squeezed my hand and asked"can i stay here till the morning i wont make a sound?"really soft but i could tell her voice was a little shaky so i said" sure but i still want to know what happened".then she started shaking again rocking back and forth.so i let go of her hand to put it around her but she quickly grabbed ot again and laid her head on my shoulder letting her legs stretch out from her chest.while she was laying her head on me i could her how hard she was breathing like she just ran a marathon or from a serial killer and her heart was racing in fear of something like a death of someone or a close call with death herself.i was so confused i have never seen her this way ever even when she lost her parents before she was adopted into the furgasons  home she was always a tough one to scare but this time she was so fragile and vulnerable.

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now