New School

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My eyes few open feeling the coldness of water on my body. I jumped out of bed ready to attack. Standing there was my mother holding a now empty glass that I assumed had the water in it, or so I had hoped .

"what the hell mom?" I asked, glaring through my now soaking wet hair.

"it's the first day of your new school. Oh great. I thought another new school with more people to judge me.

"Get ready and James will take you." she said smiling.

"I can take the bus." I muttered. There was no way I was driving with my new step brother. He was weird and he probably thought the same thing about me. I could care less.

"actually, you will go with your brother it will be good bonding time.  Have a good day Jade!" she said ten walked out of my room.

I sighed and walked over to my closet. I stood there for a minute looking into the mirror on my closet door just staring at myself. I wasn't by any means the best looking girl ever I was on the shorter side with long blond hair bright blue/gray eyes. I sighed quietly to my self and let my eyes wander to my scars. I wasn't exited to go out and be judged again. I knew what everyone's first thought would be and I was scared of the reactions.

I sighed and finally opened the door to my closet and grabbed a black tank top and a hoodie and threw it on then grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and put them on. I brushed through my hair fast and straightened it then put on my make up and headed down stairs.

My moms new husband was siting at the table drinking coffee. "good morning Jade." he said smiling politely at me. I nodded in response then walked over and started making a cup of coffee for myself.

James came running down looking rushed trying to fit all his books in his small book bag. "we are going to be so late." he said an I just laughed. I really didn't even want to go but I didn't really have a choice seeing as I was only 17.

"come on!!" James said running out the door then looking back at me to fallow.

I sighed and grabbed my book bag off the table  and followed him out the door. I got in the car and tried to ignore the awkward silence between us.

James was different, he wasn't your normal jock who played football and didn't focus on anything else. He was very smart had amazing grades and was on the honor role in most classes and stil had the jock side to him, he went out to parties and was always with friends.

I was the complete opposite, I didn't talk too a lot of people or have many friends. I had decent grades but didn't really try to hard. I keep to my self most the time and don't open up. In my last school I only had two friends and they accepted me exactly how I was. I miss them terribly I know nobody will understand me here, but you never know maybe I'll be lucky. My life hasn't been the best or easiest and people love to judge me on my past.

When I was 6 years old my parents went through a bad devorice and my mother became a drunk after, it was a dark time for her. I thought she would be lost forever, but she is slowly fixing her self. My father on the other hand was rude, mean and abusive. When I would go visit him he would be happy and loving when I would get there but then it would become night and he would go out for hours on end sometimes even for a day but then when he would come home he would be completely  drunk and start beating me up and cutting me. He said it was my fault my mother left him and I deserved to be treated as such, At first when I told  my mom didn't believe me. She said it was self inflicted and It was just my way of acting out for attention and most teen where doing the same thing when their parents broke up.

It continued on for 8 years and I gave up trying to tell her, I would make up as many reasons as possible just to not go sometimes they worked but others my mom saw right through, but finally One night she came to get me and she saw for her own eyes that I wasn't lying. She had come to my fathers house to pick me up and walked in to find me laying on the floor with fresh open Wounds and my father standing above me with a razor covered in my blood. I had never been so relived to see my mother in my life.

My dad was put in jail for child abuse, and my mom could finally see that I was telling the truth. For years she felt guilty for what happened, but I forgave her and decided I can't change the past and would just have to live with the scars both physical and emotional . We moved to new York far from my dad and made our lives here. Even though it was a big change from Utah I was happy to start over. Everyone in my town knew what happened and knew my family. It will be nice to be away from all that.

A year ago my mom met my stepdad Hank, he isn't a bad guy he works in a big office and has to wear a suite and tie to work everyday, I have never really bothered to ask but it's some fancy job. My mom and Hank got married last month, it wasn't a big wedding just small with close family we live in a little house just out side the city. It's just my mom, Hank, me and Hanks son James. It's not the perfect family but they are all very loving and the day we told them our history Hank took it well , but James still looks at me like I am just the weirdo who cuts her self, almost like he thinks this is all a lie. Oh well it has never bothered me and it never will.

We got to the school and James parked. I got out as fast as I could without saying a word and walked in the doors. The school was bigger than I thought. I wandered around for a while until I found my locker and started to open it. I was trying to hide and keep my head low and stay out of sight.

"hey your the new girl right?" I Heard a perky voice say from behind me.

I turned around quickly to see a pair of big green eyes wide with excitement looking at me. The girl was the same height as me with long blond hair and a petite body figure.

"I'm Shannon Jacobs." she said with a big smile.

"I-I'm Jade carter." I stuttered. A little confused. Was everyone in this town all perky and smiley? IF so this was going to take a while for me to get used to it.

"Very nice to meet you Jade. I'm one of James's friends he said I should introduce my self to you." she said smiling. I peeked around her to see James and more people laughing and looking in our direction. I locked my jaw and looked back at her. I decided to make the best of this awkward situation.

"oh well um can you tell me where Mr.jones class is? This school is so big And I don't think I will be able to find it." I asked returning her perky smile almost mocking her.

"Yeah ofcorse." she said and started walking. I closed my locker and ran to catch up with her. I was getting a lot of weird stares from the people around us. I checked to make sure my legs and arms where covered. Once I saw I was all clear I couldn't figure out why everyone was looking at me. I just kept my head down and fallowed Shannon.

We walked Into a class room at the end of the hall. The only two people in it where the teacher standing weighting on the board and a boy. My eyes could not be taken of the boy he had short shaggy black hair, olive skin and peirceing blue eyes. He was very well build and looked to be very tall. The boy looked up at me and something happened I don't know how to explain it. It was like suddenly we were the only two in the world. I couldn't believe how beautiful he was. There was also something dark about him. Something hiding behind those big blue eyes. I could tell it was something dark.

Suddenly He got up and walked over to me. I lost my train of thought and wasn't able to breath.

"Hello I'm Alex." he said smiling.

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