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King Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane ruled a large and mighty kingdom, and yet...he was sad for he was growing old and he did not yet have an heir to the throne. But only a few days after his worries began to develop, his wife birthed a son. A handsome young baby who was given the name Keith. As you can imagine, this called for a huge celebration. Kings, queens, lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses - any form of royalty you can think of was probably present at this celebration - Shiro was so overjoyed. Among them was the widowed queen Allura and her young son Lance. When the pair made their way forward to greet the child, an idea flashed into Allura's head, which apparently was also conjured up by Shiro. They met eyes, and silently agreed to talk after the party. Once said party was complete - with Keith in Shiro's arms and Allura trying to keep her bubbly son still - they agreed the pair would spend each summer in queen Allura's palace, learning to be together until the day they were destined for marriage. 

But, unknown to anybody who may have had a chance to guess, there was another plan brewing. The plan belonging to the evil witch, Haggar. She cared little for Keith's birth, for she wished only to take Shiro's kingdom from right underneath his nose. On the evening of her attack, Shiro had discovered her plans and counter-attacked perfectly. Her powers were stripped from her and she was banished far into a forbidden woods. Little did they know said woods was enchanted and would slowly give Haggar back her powers each minute she spent in the woods. 

Some feared Shiro too kind for banishing and not killing Haggar, however, as time passed and no sign of the feared witch was visible, all attention turned to the summer of Keith's eighth birthday, where he and Lance would meet.


Shiro knocked frantically on the door. "Keith! Wake up, bud! We've got to go!" His voice muffled by the wood, Keith hoped he'd heard incorrectly. But his father repeated it, and he groaned audibly. The young prince sat up in his bed and his dark eyes glared at the door. "I'm coming, Father!" he called out with a grunt, stumbling out of his bed to get changed. When he exited the room, Shiro smiled in approval. "I'm glad you decided to wear your favourite red cloth. Now come; we must leave now to get there in time." Keith was whisked away, his dad resting a big hand on his shoulder. Servants and soldiers alike bowed as they walked past, but Keith could only manage an annoyed 'tsk'. This visit must be pretty important. Father and son climbed into the carriage, and soon they were there.

Upon arrival, Keith spun around. "I don't like him."

Upon his arrival, Lance spun around. "Nope, not doing that."

A lot of struggling and grunting, before eventually Keith and Lance were face to face. Lance crossed his arms grumpily and averted his gaze, grumbling, "I can't believe I'm stuck with him all summer. I'll bet he doesn't wrestle, hunt, or box." His mother gave him a sharp stare, but he responded with a raspberry that sent spit flying everywhere. Keith kept his dark glare on Lance, but he spoke up to his father. "He looks conceited-" "What a total bummer!" Lance cut Keith off, now glaring directly at him. Keith glared back, and just as the two looked ready to fight, Lance was grabbed by the cape and Keith by the back of his shirt. Oddly, in unison, the two spat, "If I'm lucky, I'll get chicken pox!" A few hushed words and the two were forward again, forced grimaces on their faces.

"So happy you could come." Lance grumbled, bowing but raising quickly. Keith folded his arms and looked away, refusing to bow back. However, he did mutter, "So happy to be here." The two spoke in unison once again, and their parents looked at each other with an excited gleam in their eyes. "How I'd like to run..." Suddenly, Keith rounded on Shiro who looked surprise. "This is not my idea of fun." Lance heard Keith and decided it was a good line, also turning to his mother with pleading, bright blue eyes. "This isn't my idea of fun."

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