Chapter 15

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I was never one of those people who had issues with coming to terms with self acceptance or had to deal with self hate before. I've always been quite happy and content with who I am, I have always love my dark skin, my full flips, my nose, my thick curly/kinky hair and all the other features I had as a black girl. Everywhere I went people are always telling me just how much they loved my hair and thought it was beautiful. This evening however, was one of those moments where I felt that I was insulted for not having naturally lighter or straighter hair and let me say that this was also the very first time. I was getting ready for the event this evening for my mission and they had someone came over to our house to help me get ready- as if I wasn't capable of doing that on my own. The issue I was having now with this damn woman was with my hair, apparently leaving my hair out in its natural curly state wasn't going to look 'appropriate or formal', especially with the type of dress. So what they basically said was that my hair was unprofessional? I hadn't even bothered to dignify that comment with a response of my own because if I had I'd tell this lady to kiss my .... I wish not to continue with that statement.

But seriously? How the hell are you going to tell me that my hair isn't appropriate? Everyone is so caught up with what society deemed as beautiful or appropriate that we don't take the time out to pull the sticks out of our asses long enough to appreciate diversity and differences among each other. We were all made differently, all beautiful in our own way. I personally believed that all hair textures and shades were beautifully made and for people to embrace who they are by wearing their hair how it naturally is, that in itself is the most beautiful and appropriate thing I have ever seen. Society however seem to think of a woman being herself and natural as taboo, it is as if they don't want us to love ourselves and embrace our features as we were born-they wouldn't mind if we all altered our entire body and embrace being faked or 'China made' (you know with most things being made in China and all). Do they expect everyone to have straight hair or the same hair texture? Hell no, that's not possible and I'm quite happy with my hair texture and if it wasn't an occasion where I needed to just cooperate and succeed in doing my mission I'd say to hell with this woman and other let her touch a stand of hair on my head.
Look, I straighten my hair whenever I feel like it and for people who always have their hair straightened I see nothing wrong with that its their choice but I personally love my natural hair and if you insult me or my hair, I'm literally thinking of taking you out- and I don't mean out for a good time.

The other thing was that mom advised me to just behave and work with whatever they are doing. So here I was sitting down allowing this woman to do my hair. She had succeeded in getting her way by blowing out my hair then straightening it, spraying a whole lot of hairspray crap in and the proceeded to pin in in some kind of fancy bun or chignon or something. I was convinced that this lady really had something against me or my hair because she literally kept sticking my scalp with the bobby pins. Either this woman hated her job, me or just hair in general and the fact that she had no hair and was insulting and trying to damage mine proves a point.

"Hey! Stick me one more time with one of those Bobby pins and I'm going to break your frigging arm!" I snapped after I've finally had enough of this woman technically assaulting me.

"I'm sorry miss Snow" she apologized.

"Whatever, just hurry up  fixing my hair before I get a headache" I frowned.

That's the other thing I hated and it was to be sitting down too long in front of someone while they did my hair. I always see woman getting their hair braided but really small, you'll see them with some extra fine twists. Who the hell has that much time? I'm too impatient and short tempered for that.

"Your hair look amazing" mom said once she came into the room and saw me.

"And it wasn't looking amazing before?" I asked raising a brow.

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