Chapter 41

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You know how sometimes in life when a frightening situation or life changing incident occur people tend to want to make some physical changes or make a difference after? It was like making certain changes symbolises a new individual, well that was how I felt right now, I felt like I needed to liberate myself and make a significant change. So right after leaving the hospital after having visited Madison with Tyler's dad, I went straight to a hair salon and got my hair cut short. It was sort of like a curly pixie cut and even though I was a bit worried at first that I was going to cut off my hair and ruin my looks or that I was going to look ugly and weird, I actually loved it. Cutting my hair though really wasn't because I didn't know what to do with myself or because I felt guilty for what happened to Madison and decided to take it out on my hair. Cutting my hair was a part of my new plan to take out Moritz and his goons, getting rid of my hair was actually going to help with a makeover that I needed to carry out my plan.

 Cutting my hair was a part of my new plan to take out Moritz and his goons, getting rid of my hair was actually going to help with a makeover that I needed to carry out my plan

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After being confronted in my car earlier by Mr

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After being confronted in my car earlier by Mr.Cavelli and him being determined that he wasn't going to leave until I tell him everything, we both drove to the hospital where I did just that. I told him about me and my training and about Moritz and wanting to take them out. What he had learned today came as a shock and a big surprise to him, but it was something that he always have to expect. We went to the hospital and at first Kendo and Martinez didn't want to allow me in to see Madison, especially since Gio was there too but after a while of convincing they eventually allowed us in giving us only 10 minutes. Madison was clearly upset with me because of what happened, I told her it wasn't my fault but she still blamed me for not being there to protect her. I decided to be the bigger person and apologize, even though she was being a bitch once again I think this time she has every reason to. Gio talked with her as well asking her different questions about her attackers and other things before we left. He said that he know how to pull Moritz and his guys out of hiding and how to get to them but he was going to do it his way and wasn't going to risk getting kids involved and hurt- namely me. I had to ask him if he didn't hear what I said about growing up and the training I had. On the other hand I got to see that he wasn't like the others we've been told about, if he was he wouldn't care whether or not I was a kid or there was a possibility of me getting hurt. He was certainly different from the others because he was pissed when he learnt what really happened to Madison and it turns out that he and Moritz were enemies because of how dirty Moritz handle business. This means that maybe cleaners wouldn't have to try get rid of him and his group and furthermore I doubt trying to get rid of them wlould be one of the most dangerous and bloody mission of all. He was not only one of the most important business man but it seems like he might have one of the largest groups ever, things wouldn't be as easy as the others.

If you want to catch a criminal, you have to think like a criminal or better yet team with another criminal. My parents probably won't be keen on the idea of working with a mafia group, they were high rank officials in Cleaners organisation and live by the rules. I and the other hand believe that sometimes you can bend the rules a little. I had a plan in mind and I know that they weren't going to agree with it so I was going to go about it on my own. I was going to fly to Atlanta to gather reinforcements then relay my plans to them, once that is clear then we'd all come back here and with the help of the Cavelli's group, finish this battle once and for all.

After I got back home I booked a flight to Atlanta for tomorrow and decided to pack a few things and put them away. My parents- especially mom-claimed that they had suspended me from all missions for now but it wasn't official, that is why they aren't going to be aware of what I am doing and my plan to go to Atlanta.
I know that this mission may take a while and I may have to take some more days from school and I know that Debra must be confused by what's going on especially since I haven't responded to any of her calls so I decided I'd go see her.

"Cassie? What are you... Woah, what did you do to your hair?" Debra asked as she came home and saw me outside her house.

"Hey" I smiled at her.

"Why did you cut off your hair?" Debra asked in disbelief "This is something I would do not you"

"I've decided I need a little change" I responded "Does it look bad

"No, it looks great actually but because I'm not use to you with short hair its kinda weird. I guess its going to take a few days for me to get used to you this way" she responded "So what happened to your phone? I've been trying to get to you all evening yesterday and then today Tyler told me you guys broke up and then we heard that Madison got attacked at your house... What's really going on?"

"Its actually quite a long story Debra" I said to her.

"I've got time" Debra responded "I'm really confused about everything, you have to at least explain to me"

"Fine" I responded.

"Wait, your parents doesn't know you're here?" Farr asked as we walked through the weapon room at Cleaners.

"Well they probably figured it out by now, but they had no idea I planned on coming here" I said to her "I left before they got up. Farr, I screwed up one mission and mom decided that I should stay away from all mission for now but I can't do that. Especially not when I might be so close to finishing it"

"But you came here to gather a team and get to go back to new York with you and get more efficient weapons but they can overrule your requests you know" Farr said to me "If they phone here and report that you're not to be assigned any mission, you're not going to be able to pull through with your plan"

"That's why I'm not making my request as yet. I'm not making an official request for a cleaners team, I'm just going to asked the most efficient agents for help. As far as you and everyone else knows I'm just here to visit" I said to her "I'll talk to the agents after"

So guys I know the chapter is short and a bit boring but I tried. I don't know whats wrong but I'm lacking motivation and inspiration to write right now. It's like I'm having a severe caused of writer's block. I'll however try to do better with the other chapters.

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