Chapter Two

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| C H A P T E R T W O |

B L A I R S | P O V

High school, is like a jungle full of untamed wild animals doing as they please like roaming the plains, picking fights and getting into brawls, until the lion, the god of them all strolls in and its like for one second its quiet and then boom there crazy again. But imagine when they get hungry and oh boy do they get hungry but picture this as a feeding hole for these blood hungry beasts and abracadabra you get my high school cafeteria where a) Hungry teenagers push in line because there to lazy to wait in the queue b) Having to eat worst food then a hobo c) Hearing more goss then you do in WHO magazine and d) Where fat kids dreams come true and as you can imagine this is DEFINETLY not the place for me so ask me again why I'm casually walking into no mans land well you could of had me fooled but I am actually here to talk to Mr-im-to-cool-for-school Adrian Walker, I know what has my fiasco of a life done to bring me here, you'll find out in just one moment.

I walk towards the so called "popular" table with my head held high and a skip in my boots about to drop the news that he unfortunately cant stay at my house due to plans that I have made recently to keep him away.

"Yo king faggot" I say smartly as I come to my destination. The table goes silent and they glare at me like I'm some kind of idiot who just called the one and only Adrian Walker that he is the king of faggots which happened to be the reaction I was after.

"What do you want now, come back to tell me your undying love for me" he replies smugly and the table erupts with laughter. Wow they thought that was funny, well I can laugh to.

"Ha ha ha so funny and what to think you came up with that all by yourself I think I should give you a gold star for being biggest ass hole the world has seen" I say back but cut him off as he tries to speak back.

"Anyways what I really came here to say was you have to make other plans because you are not staying at.." my sentence is cut short by his massive gorilla hand suffocating me from speaking let alone breathing.

"Don't say a word" he whispers roughly into my ear. I hit him In the head and finally his hand dissipates  and I can finally feel air in my lungs once more.

"Touch me again and your dead you got me?" I say pissed off and start to walk away only to be pulled to a halt as he grabs my arm.

"Follow me" he says and grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cafeteria. I fight against his grip but it's no use, since when is he stronger than me, he must of started working out since i was too strong for him.

"What the fuck" i say roughly as i force myself to a halt bringing him to, his grip loosens and i pull my hand back hastly.

"You can't tell anyone that I'm staying at your house" he replies in a hurried whipser while caustiously scanning the crowded halls and i just stare at him like he grew 5 heads.

"Oh your scared people will find out your staying at mine. Well then douche face don't fucking stay over then plus i've made plans so you are gonna be stuck with your mum getting it on all night to someone like a priest" i say smugly and cross my arms and watch his face change to disgusted, nailed it.

"Fucking hell" he exclaims. "I'm not listening to that, yuck! Why did you pick the priest out of everyone in town God!" he shakes his head.

"Well serves you right and plus it wouldnt surprise me since I'm pretty sure your mum has slept with every guy in town except for the priest so lucky you. Just think of their screams Oh mother of god! Just let it out of me O holy one" I yell with my best personation of a priest and start laughing at myself.

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