Chapter Four: Sicker than Death

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Alexander was sick, so horrendously sick that he even refused to eat or drink anything. He wouldn't even eat an apple which worried Mason, that was pretty much his favorite thing.

He'd been acting so strange lately, since Zachary had shown up he wasn't himself, he was somebody that Mason didn't know.

Alexander was laid out on the couch in Mason's office, he was paler than normal, which probably wasn't good. He also was warm, that most likely wasn't good either. Mason was of course, worried to say the least. Alexander's crippling fear of illness wasn't helping, he was afraid of getting sick, being sick or being around the sick. Now he wasn't a 'germaphobe' or anything like that, he was pretty gross at times but just the thought of being ill caused Alexander to become a distraught mess.

"Alexander, you have to eat something." Mason pressed, he may very well have been a vampire but he still needed to eat like everything else did.

Alexander coughed roughly and quivered, "No. Not until this is over." He croaked, his throat was so dry, this illness-fear could be the death of the man.

"Come on, just something small, please? For me, Alexander. I'm so worried about you." Mason spoke, his voice laced with ache.

Alexander seemed to ponder this for a long time before he finally began to nod "Fine, just something small." He agreed and Mason trotted happily into the kitchen to get him an apple.

Zachary stood in the kitchen, and pulled an apple out of the fridge just as Mason entered the room. He held it out to the human with a smile, "I heard you talking to Alexander." He informed, getting a nod and a soft 'thanks Zach' in reply.

Mason gave the apple to his close friend, watching him to make sure he actually ate it. He felt like a parent forcing their kid to eat a vegetable they hated.

Alexander got barely halfway through the apple when he lurched forwards and dry heaved, there wasn't enough in his stomach to actually bring up. He winced and shook softly. His mouth tasted like something he just couldn't quite place. It was sweet, way too sweet, but it also had this acidic, almost poison like taste to it. Alexander dropped the apple to the floor and looked into Mason's eyes apologetically.

"Mason, I'm so sorry... I just can't do it." He panted, "I can't eat until this has passed." Alexander insisted, he was shaking quite hard at this point. Mason found it kind of funny that such a strong creature he's afraid of a little sniffle and a cough.

The human laughed softly, raking his fingers through the vampire's, dark, long hair, removing it from his face. Mason smiled as his eyes met Alexander's dull grey ones, usually they were much brighter, almost blue. Alexander's lips turned up into a half-assed grin, he was so tired that even the most simple of gestures was practically impossible.

"Do you need anything, Blue?" Mason asked sweetly, he did feel very bad for Alexander, he knew that being sick sucked pretty badly. Alexander wasn't very used to being sick also from being not technically alive and all.

"No, I'm just going to sleep, don't worry." Alexander reassured him before falling asleep.

Mason sat in the room watching over him for a bit before realizing Alexander's hair was still tangled around his fingers, he was gently playing with it subconsciously. He jerked his arm back once he realized, looking down at his hand, hit was so warm.

Mason shook his head and got up from the table he'd been sat upon and exited his office, closing the door shut firmly behind him.

He really hoped Alexander was right about this passing...


Time passed slowly it seemed, two weeks and Alexander wasn't any better, he was getting so bad that he could barely get up, his body was very weak.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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