Chapter 7

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The moment the gong sounds I sprint towards a backpack. It's a medium sized green one with a water bottle attached to the side. Another girl has also spotted it. I get there first. Luckily she has changed her mind. Running to the cornucopia I see a large set of knives. I try my hardest to reach it but the girl Kaitlyn from district 2 gets there first. It's only a matter of time before all the weapons are gone.

Just as several more tributes flow into the cornucopia I spot another set of knives. I only just get them as Kaitlyn starts to throw her knives in my direction. Fortunately they all miss and I am able to run into the forest without her pursuing me.

I don't dare look at what's in my backpack just yet. I keep running as far as I can and as fast as I can until I run out of breathe. I can hear the sounds of some tributes running my way and not willing to fight them just yet I climb a large pine tree. It's an easy tree for me to climb but probably not for the rest of the tributes. I sit perched about 15 metres off the ground.  I think right now would be a good time to go through my stuff. I open the green backpack to find a metre of rope, a tin of dried apricots, a square of plastic, a thermal sleeping bag and a bottle-full of water. All of this should last me 4 days along with my set of 5 knives.

Suddenly I heard someone running towards my location. Actually I hear two people. The girl from district 4, Armelle, appears from the trees followed by another tribute from district 9. Heyley? I think her name was. Heyley has a bow in her hand and raises it to shoot Armelle in the back.  

She hits her target. I hope I'm not next. Armelle falls to the ground right below my tree. Heyley looks triumphant as she goes through Armelles backpack she had been carrying. I can just make out a couple of knives that she steals, otherwise she leaves the rest and runs off. I need to see what else is in her backpack, just in case. 

I wait several minutes before descending from my hiding spot. Armelle's backpack has some flint, plastic, chocolate milk and more rope. I take it all. Heyley must already have a lot of supplies. 

The sun starts to lose it's intense heat and begin to set. I decide that the tree I was in before would be a good place to spend tonight so I climb back up to where I was. Using my sleeping bag and some of Armelle's rope I secure my self to the branch. 

Before I go to sleep I watch the death count. 7 dead on the first day including Armelle whose body is still on the ground below me. Somehow Angeline has survived.

Hit And No Miss- Jacob Satorious FanficWhere stories live. Discover now