Day 15

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1 John 3:1-- Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

A little girls stands in her backyard chanting as she takes the daisy and plucks the petals off one by one. At the end of the 'game' the last petal tells all; weather or not someone loves you. Though of course, nobody takes seriously, and the child will continue to choose another flower until they get the results they desire. But, it doesn't take long for them to learn the flower isn't meant to tell who loves you. But long after we've put away our daises, we continue to play the love me, love me not game with God. This time it's different though. We don't pluck the petals, but we prove through our circumstances trying o figure out exact how God feels about us. On days when everything is going great we have no trouble believing God loves us. But on the other had, when we lose somebody we love, loss a job, and are just simply burdened with need, it becomes much harder. Sometimes w may wonder if God loved us, why is he allowing this to happen even after you may have prayed about it for a long time. But truly, God has never acted towards us in any other way than his deep love. I know it may not look like it at times. We can easily question Gods love for us. If we define God in only our limited way of our own circumstances, we will never discover who he really is. He loves you more deeply than you've ever imagined; and has done so throughout your whole life. Once you embrace the truth your troubles will never cause you to question Gods love.

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