Chapter 11

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I limped to the car and threw myself into the passenger seat. I took my shoes off and threw them into the backseat, beyond tired of them. Marcus climbed into the car just as I slammed my door. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, thinking twice about speaking. We peeled out of the parking lot, not too concerned about security stopping us. We made it back to the Hackerspace in record time. AS soon as we were outfront, I stepped out and almost fell on my face, forgetting about my ankle.

"Damn it." I said, slamming the door again.

"Do you need help?" Marcus asked, coming over to me.

I groaned, but nodded. "Thanks." I put my arm over his shoulder as we stumbed into the café, but before we could type the code in, the door slid open.

Wrench stood there his expression questioning (? ?). "What happened?" He slid an arm around my shoulder and the guys helped me down the stairs as I told them what happened, omitting the part where I let the creep look up my skirt.

"So you were able to intall the backdoor?" Sitara asked Marcus.

"Yep." He answered. "Thanks to her throwing herself to the floor."

I chuckled. "You're welcome."

"You should probably ice that ankle." Wrench said, looking down at my swollen ankle. "It looks sprained, at the very least."

"I'll survive," I sighed. "I have had spikes shoved into my hand before, this is nothing."

Wrench's eyes changed into exclamation points, then into sad eyes. "Please stop bringing it up, I feel bad about that."

I frowned, then nodded, turning my attention to my swollen ankle. "I should be fine, can someone pass me a laptop?"

"I just checked the backdoor," Josh said, coming out from his corner of the world. "It is operational and I have already begun downloading the archives. We should be done within the hour."

"Good," I said, standing, keeping most of my weight on the non-injured foot. "I need to go home and shower. I'll be back tonight."

"Let me drive you." Wrench said. "I think you need to rest your ankle as much as possible." Before I could even open my mouth to protest, he took my arm and placed it over his shoulder.

"Really?" I asked as he drug me up the stairs.

His expression changed (^ ^). "Onward!"


I began drawing the bath after deciding that it would be easier to sit in the tub vs standing. I began to undress, but my phone began ringing. Shutting the water off, I answered it. "Hello?" I asked, the number was unknown.

"Sweetie?" I heard my mother's voice on the other end. "Please don't hang up!" I stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. "I am calling to let you know..." She sighs. "Your uncle was also taken into custody."

"Okay, thanks, bye-"

"I also want you to come to dinner." She spat out, causing me to pull my phone back to my ear mere milliseconds before I hung up.

"Excuse me?" I asked, astonished by how bold she was acting.

"I want you to come and meet your sister." She explained. "I also wanted to get to know you better." I allowed her to ramble on. "Maybe you could bring a friend, or do you have a boyfriend? I haven't spoken to you in so long-"

"Mother!" I scolded, causing a knock on the bathroom door. "You haven't earned the right to know any of that." I stood and unlocked the bathroom door, allowing Wrench to come in.

"Will you at least consider my dinner proposal?" She asked, sounding desperate. "Its been so hard since your father was taken-"

She crossed a line there. I hung up instantly and threw the phone to the floor, livid that she had the nerve to ask anything of me. "Was that your mom?" Wrench asked, sitting on the tub next to me.

"Sadly, yes." I sighed, putting my face in my hands. "She wants me to start coming around, meet my sister under better circumstances."

He nodded. "And you don't want to?"

"Why the hell would I?" I asked, throwing my arms up and into the air. "She has never been a good mother to me." I reached back and turned the faucet back on, filling the tub. "I just want to take a bath and go to sleep. Start again tomorrow, hopefully it's a better day."

Wrench shook his head. "I think you should speak with her... your sister." He said, taking the mask off. He placed it on the counter and looked at me, seeming smaller somehow. "If she went through the same-"

"It doesn't matter." I snapped. "She will never see her father again." He looked somewhat sad, but nodded. "She also wanted to meet my friends." I laughed. "If only she knew the pack I ran with."

"What's so bad about us?" He asked, scooting closer to me, "We are a fun group of people."

"You can be." I smirked. I leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed back gently as I reached my hand backwards and grabbed a soap bottle. I popped the top and poured some into the tub. I replaced the bottle and deepened the kiss. I waited a moment, then dipped my hand into the water. I lifted it slowly and then pulled away from Wrench. He looked confused, but in an instant I placed my hand in front of my mouth and blew. Bubbles flew into his face and he swatted them away, still confused. I laughed and took another handful and did it again. This time he laughed quietly as well, then grabbed some bubbles of his own and smashed his hand into my hair. "Hey!" I yelled, smiling widely. He came at me and wrapped his arms around my waist and his lips crashing into mine.

Somewhere in there we fell to the floor, our lips still intertwined. I leaned into him as the passionate kiss continued. After a long while of kissing, I felt something wet on my thighs. I broke off the kiss and breathed. "Wrench,"

"I know." He said, lowering his lips to mine again, but I pushed him away.

"The tub is over flowing." I snorted, pushing him away. He jumped up and turned off the tub quickly. He looked down at me, practically soaked on the floor and began laughing quietly. I laughed along with him, sitting up. "Will you help me mop this up so I don't get evicted?"

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