Love On The Battlefield (DRAMIONE)

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I winced, ducking as another curse flew at me, watching as the spell hit another student in the back of his head. Where is he??

"Come on, Hermione," I muttered to myself, fidgeting my feet as I eyed the whizzing spells around me. "Focus.  He isn't here."


Water spilled behind me and I whirled around to find the pooling water mixed with blood. I searched for the one who fired the spell and my heart leaped when I caught sight of platinum blonde hair.

"Drac -" I started to say but was cut off as the man whirled around and fired another cruciatus curse my way. It wasn't him.

Leaping over the spell, I turned and started to back into a corner of the no longer festive Great Hall.

Screams and cries filled the air, doubled over by shouted hexes and curses.


"Protego!!" I yelled, pointing my wand in the direction from where the spell came from.

Surprised that I had seen him, the death eater dodged the rebounding curse, silver mask glinting before he turned back to me.

I expected him shoot another spell but he continued to stare at me, wand hand limp at his side.

With my wand still raised I started to travel through the blur of screams and colors around me, about to shoot a spell when the man reached for his mask and gently slipped it off.

My heart stopped in my chest and I could feel my blood start to move quicker as I stared at the man in front of me, face bruised and eyes - cool grey eyes - still wide with shock as he stared at me. His cloak was ripped and hung from his torso like a curtain, platinum hair dotted slightly with blood.


Without a word I dropped my wand and suddenly he was running towards me. I didn't hesitate as he grabbed me into a hug, gently lifting me off the ground as he buried his face in my hair.

"Dr-Draco," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him. A sob broke out of my chest. "You're here."

"Like He would let me miss the most important day in Society," Draco said softly, pulling away to give me that famous Malfoy smirk that I loved so much.

There wasn't a need to expand on who 'He' was.

"You - You're here," I whispered again, staring at his face through pooled eyes. It had been so long since the last time I had smelled him, seen him, held him.

Instead of answering, he raised a hand to my face and gently wiped my wet cheeks, "Shh, yeah I'm here. I'm here now."


The sound of my name made both our heads turn towards Ron, who stood a few feet away, wand raised at Draco.

"Malfoy, you let her go!!" He said coldly, eyes drawn with anger.

Turning back to Draco, I saw his eyes had blackened to match Ron's as he let go of me and turned to face the Weasley boy but I quickly took hold of his hand again.

"Don't," I said under my breath, "It's not worth it."

"Malfoy!!! Let her go now!!" Ron growled louder. "Or else."

"Ron, stop! Please!!" I yelled, quickly moving between the two.

"Hermione, step out of the way," Draco said wand raised too, and I could tell he was straining not to yell. "This isn't your fight."

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