Chapter 12

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     Three days were left until the ball and the palace was in full chaos mode. Invitations were being made and sent out. Dresses for the maids were being made and the new tables and chairs were coming in today. Rose was in the ballroom helping put a red carpet down the staircase. She also helped clean most of the rooms that guests were going to be allowed in. Now Rose was helping Lilly pick out the dress she wanted.

"Ok lills." Rose gave a nod to the maid that had sewn the dress and she smiled and put it on a hanger for Lilly, setting it in her closet. "Rose?" Lilly asked after the maid left the room. "What?" Rose asked as she looked for a pair of shoes to match the dress. "Who is the man that is sending you letters?" Rose froze. "Nothing Lilly. It's nobody for you to worry to about." Lilly nodded and went back to playing with her dolls while Rose smiled in victory when she found a pair of white flats for Lilly. A knock on the door had Lilly running to be the first to see whoever was there. She opened the door and screamed. Rose came running out of the closet. "Hazel!" Lilly yelled in joy before giving her a hug. Rose let out a breath of relief and looked at a smiling Xavier. "Can they play together? Hazel won't shut up about how much she misses Lilly." Rose laughed and nodded as the two walked into Lilly's room. The two girls ran to Lilly's dollhouse and started to play together. "How are you?" Xavier asked. Rose shrugged. "Still nervous." She replied. Xavier sat down next to her. "Honestly I'm a little nervous too, I'm trying to stay strong but it's not really working out."

    Rose smiled at him. "You don't always have to be so strong ya know. " Xavier sighed. "Of course I do. I have to carry this entire kingdom on my back while still taking care of myself. If I were to break down then nothing would go right." Rose shook her head. "Sometimes it's ok to break down, or even just talking to someone. I'm always here Xavier." Rose said. Xavier smiled. It became silent between the two of them until a knock at the door and a happy looking Charlotte came into the room. "Come look at the ballroom!" She said as Lilly and Hazel ran out of the room following Charlotte, Xavier, and Rose down the hall and stairs. Rose's mouth opened as a surprised gasp left her mouth.

     "It looks amazing!" Rose said. "It does doesn't it?" Charlotte said. Lilly and Hazel ran down the steps to get a closer look as Charlotte followed them to make sure they don't mess with anything. "Mom did a good job." Xavier said. Rose nodded. "Xavier. After the ball what if nothing is the same? After the ball you're getting married and that could change everything." Xavier shook his head. "I'm not marrying her. I even talked to her dad and he agreed. The wedding is off Rose." Rose looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" She said as a smile broke out on her face. Xavier nodded and smiled back and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "I love you." He mumbled. Rose smiled. "I love you more." And in that moment it was as if it was only the two of them, all their worries going away as they stayed together in that moment.


I'm really sorry I haven't been able to update in a while, school has been really stressful but I'll try to post as mush as I can :)



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