Chapter 15

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Rose gasped and looked at Xavier. "Brother?" She asked. Xavier glared at Andrew. Andrew smiled. "Go on brother, why don't you explain?" He said and smirked. Xavier turned and looked at Rose. "We are brothers, the reason we have different last names is my father wanted Andrew to have his last name, Gregg and my mother wanted me to have her maiden name, Tuff.

     When it was time for our parents to choose who would be king they picked Andrew, as he was the oldest. But during the ceremony someone accidently dropped the crown, he lost it. Our parents thought it would be best if I was king instead, they didn't want someone to freak over small things as a king. Andrew hated me ever since and even went as far as running away.

     He's planned attacks before but never followed through with them. Until now." Xavier finished ad looked back at Andrew who was still smirking. "And now I found out you have this beautiful girl with you, and of course I want her as well. Which will just make my revenge even more sweet." He smiled. Lilly screamed. "Don't hurt my sissy!" She yelled.

     "Shut up! Now Rose, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You come with me willingly while I kill Xavier for taking my throne, or I forcefully take you and kill everyone in this room."

     Rose knew deep down she had to fight for what she wanted. She wasn't going to give up so easily. She heard her mother's words in the back of her head. 'Fight for what you want. And don't stop until you know you have what you what.'

    Rose stood up tall and looked Andrew directly in his eyes. "I'm not going with you." She said. Andrew laughed, a dark laugh. "Oh sweetheart, that was a bad decision." He said as he pointed to someone and they pulled out a gun. He was about to shoot someone but fell to the ground. Sofia stood behind him with a pan.

     "Come on!" She shouted as guards rushed in all around them. Andrew's men ran towards the guards as a fight broke loose. Everyone in the ball ran around trying to get to safety. Rose saw as Andrew and Xavier were walking towards each other. She looked towards the man that was were holding Hazel and Lilly.

     She ran towards them, pushing people out of her way. "Excuse me." She said and tapped the man on his shoulder. He turned around and Rose punched him square in the face. He fell as Rose held her hand wincing in pain. Lilly and Hazel ran towards her as she hugged them both. "Go to the bunker in the basement and don't come out until Xavier or I come and get you ok?" She said.

     The two girls nodded with tears in their eyes as they linked hands and ran, ducking under tables to hide themselves as they ran for protection. She turned around and saw that Xavier and Andrew weren't in the ballroom anymore. She ran out of the room and saw two shadows arguing back and forth.

    "Do you think I want this life Andrew? I don't! If you want your throne so bad then take it! I didn't want it as a kid and I don't want it now." Xavier yelled. "You're giving up that easy?" Rose peered around the corner and saw Andrew smirking. "I don't think so Xavier, I still want you dead for everything you did to me. And then when I'm done with you I'm going to take Rose away from you and destroy this kingdom....Now let's get you out of the way first." Andrew reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at Xavier's head. "Please...I'll let you kill me and take anything you want, let you have anything you want just please don't hurt Rose. She doesn't deserve this." Andrew smirked.

      Rose closed her eyes as she heard a loud bang and a thud as someone fell to the ground. She let out a sob and peered around the corner and gasped as she saw Andrew on the floor with Xavier standing up and King George standing behind them. "Dad?" Xavier said. George pulled Xavier in for a hug. "I'm so sorry I didn't accept who you loved and I'm sorry for everything I ever put you through." They pulled away and Xavier smiled. "I forgive you."


    Andrew was put in prison and sentenced to death. Lilly and Hazel were ok. Everything was ok until they found out. Rose couldn't believe it. Charlotte died during the attack. Xavier went up to his room and hasn't come out for a while. Hazel cried while hugging George's leg and for the first time, he hugged back. Rose took Lilly to Sofia and asked her to watch her for the night. She of course agreed and left.

   Rose thought she would check on Xavier as he had been in his room for almost three hours. She walked up the stairs and froze as she looked at the area around her. Everything was trashed like her dream. She silently prayed that Xavier was alright as she arrived at his room and pushed the broken door open. She gasped and ran in. Xavier was in the middle of the room with a stab wound on his chest. "Xavier...Xavier wake up!" Rose cried as she lifted his head onto her lap.

     "Xavier please wake up." She cried. "Aww the cute little couple finally got what they deserved." Rose looked up and saw Annabeth with a knife in her hands. "Annabeth please...It doesn't have to be like this." Rose said. Annabeth shook her head. "You ruined everything! You took away my fiancé, my future at being queen, you ruined my life. And now you're going to pay. Just. Like. Xavier," Annabeth smirked as Rose gently put Xavier's head on the ground.

     "You know it was really simple to hurt him. Just had to act like I was comforting him over his  mom's death. When he wasn't looking I stabbed him." Annabeth walked slowly towards Rose.

     "Any last words?" Annabeth laughed. Rose looked around the room and her eye caught something on the wall behind Annabeth. "He was always going to marry me over you." Annabeth went red and swung her arm. Rose quickly grabbed the glass vase behind her and smacked her over the head with it. Annabeth screamed and dropped the knife. Rose quickly went to pick it up but was kicked in the ribs. Rose gasped and rolled over. Annabeth picked up the knife.

     Before Annabeth could stand back up Rose pushed her back causing Annabeth to smack her head against the wall. Rose grabbed the knife out of Annabeth's hands and pointed it at her. Annabeth laughed while wiping blood away from her head. "You really think I would do this unprepared?" She asked as she reached in her pocket and pulled out a gun. "You stupid girl, you will never be anything but a lowlife." At this moment something snapped inside of Rose. She dropped the knife. "You know what? Kill me." Annabeth stopped smiling. "What?"

   "I said kill. Me." Rose repeated. Annabeth narrowed her eyes and cocked the gun, pressing the barrel to Rose's forehead. "Tell Charlotte I said hi." Annabeth smirked. Annabeth fell to the ground, but at the same time shot Rose. Rose gasped and held her stomach. She looked up and saw Xavier holding some piece of wood-a shelve. "Rose." Xavier ran towards her and caught her as she was about to fall. Rose could feel herself slowly passing out. "Rose! Rose stay with me!" She could hear Xavier yelling but she suddenly felt very tired as she closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness that engulfed her.



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