10. Alone

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And the memories we made are so incredible
Then our love was interrupted by my schedule
There was nothing that I could do
'Cause you fell into the deepest depression baby,
And I hate to know I'm responsible
Then your heart fills up with so much aggression baby ...
-Justin Bieber

Brie's POV

Justin was scheduled to fly in for my first official doctor's appointment. I couldn't wait to see him. I wanted to share this with him.

I smiled as I continued to read the baby book I bought a few days ago during one of my shopping trips. The more I thought about having a baby with him, the more I wanted it to happen.

I got anxious just sitting there in the waiting room until Justin arrived. I was sure he wasn't going to make it. His flight from London had gotten delayed because of bad weather. I had already let them bump two other patients in front of me. The nurse finally said it was now, or I would need to reschedule my appointment.

I looked at all the pictures that lined the walls of the office as I tried to calm my nerves but I was a wreck. I was alone at my first appointment with the OB-GYN.

I was sad that he would miss this. I wanted him here with me so bad. So many things had changed since we last saw each other. The doctor came in the room with his nurse. He looked like he was in his mid thirties, wearing a white doctor's coat. I wished Cassie had come with me. Dr. Michaels had delivered some of the most famous babies in LA and Justin asked Scooter to get me an appointment since he was also Scooter's wife Yael's OB/GYN. She absolutely loved the man and said I would too. She had also offered to come along with me but I told her I would be fine since we didn't really know each other and I only saw her once or twice when Justin and I had first gotten together.

Plus I thought Justin would be with me, but now he wasn't and I had to face this by myself. I couldn't help but think if this is way things would always be with us, with him having to miss the important things with his child because of his career. The thought alone made me sad. But I tried as much to push that thought aside.

"How are you doing, Aubrey?"

I let out a deep breath. "I'm okay."

"Well, let's see what's going on. I know the clinic you visited gave you a little information, but let's check everything out. We can do a complete blood work-up and get an official due date set."

I lay on the bed as the doctor did the exam. His nurse Rebecca held my hand as I stared up at the ceiling. She smiled warmly down at me, I guessed she could tell I was a bit nervous. Her lipstick was so red it was literally the color of a stop sign. I let out a deep breath. Maybe I should have just asked Cassie to drop everything and drive over when I knew Justin wouldn't make it.

Dr. Michaels pulled the paper gown up higher before squirting some cool gel like substance on my stomach. He pressed a few buttons and we waited as the image on the screen came to life. Two weeks had passed so the details of the ultrasound appeared much clearer this time.

"All right. I see your baby." His gloved finger pointed at the screen. "See right here?"

I stared at the screen as he described the image. Everything in my life shifted slowly into focus. I swallowed hard to get rid of the lump in my throat but it didn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

And just when I didn't think my heart could feel any bigger, a sound came from the machine. It was a steady swoosh over and over again. I would never forget this moment. I wished Justin was here to experience this with me. Another tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at the doctor.

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