Chapter 11:

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(A/n: Hello everybody :) Sorry for the late update!😓 Anyway, I hope you like this fanfic, so far!! Also I've only just realised, that I haven't really described some of the characters as much! so I will try my best to do so!! Thnx and Enjoy!!)

Someone's POV


As Days went by Since Tamiko's encounter with Akashi, she made a vow to devote herself to get better at Shogi and beat Akashi with her own hands!!!

Tamiko! Even decided to join the Shogi club!!!...That she that never even knew existed!!!

Tamiko was practising her swing with her tennis racket as Ayaka who had pink hair with purple tips, came up and talked to her "Heyy! I haven't seen you around lately,after school! why is that?!" Tamiko continued swinging and said "I forgot to mention but I joined the Shogi club! but I told them I only have time to practise with them after school...and yer that's basically it!"

"Why'd you join the Shogi club...!" She asked curiously tilting her head slightly! whilst her her beautiful Red eyes glistened in the sunlight! and thought 'I didn't even know, there was such a club in this school!! I guess! It is true that people do learn new things everyday!'

Tamiko halted her training and faced her and said "don't laugh ok!...but it's to beat this guy! who's really good at Shogi and for once I just want to see his reaction for losing!!! Did you know he's never lost!!...LIKE EVER!!!" "At first it was confusing...but after a while of listening to my grandad it became much easier!" Tamiko chuckled a bit at the last part then smiled! "At this rate...I'm sure I'll just be up to his level, in no time!!"

"Wow!! I don't think I've seen you this fired up! Since our last tennis match!! At the Green Gorge Arena! Last year!!"

(Note: The Green Gorge Arena is where all tennis finalists go to complete!! Whether it's double or one on one!!! Oh and maybe where the basketball games will be held :) back to the story)

Ayaka pointed out. "But then again they were provoking you! know when you won! they're faces were hilarious!! and I can't believe you actually hit one of them in the face with that powerful serve!!" She carried on with bursting into laughter!!! "haha...!"

Tamiko turned red and said "hey! they deserved it for underestimating me!!! and it was his fault for not dodging the incoming ball, when he clearly new it wasn't hit-able!" "So...whos this guy??" Ayaka asked with a big grin!

"Nobody you need to know!...TRUST ME!" Tamiko slightly warned her!

"Hmph...ok then!" she replied pouting

"Look he's smart and 'Absolute', so just beware of him!" Tamiko told her abbreviating the word 'absolute' and then Ayaka spoke "Soo are you going to me his name!!?" "Noope..!" Tamiko said walking away giggling! Ayaka yelled "Your seriously not gonna tell me, really!!!" And then ran after her!

Ayaka's POV

'Hmm I wonder who this 'guy' is??...i'll dig into that later!!' I thought while running after Tamiko who was walking away and shouted "Hey!! Wait up!!" She stopped and turned to me smiling I smiled back and we started walking to the changing room.

"Hey after school this Wednesday do want to come with me to the new cafe!" I asked Tamiko as we left the changing room. She looked at me and tilted her head cutely yet curiously and asked "Ok! Sure but why?" "Because I heard that they are hiring teenage waitresses 15+ and that means there will be young adults too! so do you want to work there with me or not? Pleeeaaasee!" I explained exaggerating the end part!

"I would love to but you know handling two clubs on my own is already enough...sorry!" She told me and I started pouting "it's...ok!..i didn't really feel like going anyway.." I said hiding the truth but it didn't exactly work...!

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