Chapter 10 - Freedom For Few

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Maja staggered back into the shadows, her bloodlust replaced with shock, hackles raising. Her eyes followed back the path of the arrow, and found a man at the end, holding a crossbow and still posed from the release.

His fierce eyes, the colour of steele and stormclouds searched the premises, but passed over Maja, who was pressed to the stable wall, breathing shallow, silent breaths.

He lowered his weapon, and hissed to someone who lurked in the shadows as Maja did now. "Sigrid!"

Upon being called, a woman of short build emerged from wherever she was hidden, and rushed to the slaves. They were cowering, becoming even smaller than their thin frames already provided them. They whimpered, drawing back like affrighted animals. The woman shushed them as would a parent to their frightened child.

She produced the axe strapped to her back, and began swinging at the chains. The slaves jolted. Maja cringed from the sound of metal on metal

A touch of fear, mingled with hope swam in the eyes of the slaves.

It was an understatement to say that Maja was confused. A marksman nocking another arrow into his bow, a woman trying to smash iron chains of more than a dozen slaves, a dead slave driver and an assassin in the body of a wolf.

It was complete, utterly outrageous madness.

Maja was snapped out her stupor when the woman cursed, ceasing her striking. She was taking tired, heaving breaths. "Roland, it isn't working! They must have altered the chains."

Her wild brown curls were set in a vast tangle around her face when she lifted her head.

A low curse from the marksman. "What do you want me to do? Shoot it?" he said, exasperated.

The woman growled at him, as irritated as he. "This has always worked before!"

The two began a low argument as Maja narrowed her eyes at the chains. No, not iron. Something stronger, and definitely heavier, from the way they sank into the earth beneath. That axe would break before it made a dent.

That was a simple axe, not to mention one of poorer quality. It would never cut through. Claws however...Therian claws were rumored to be sharper than any blade, which is why sometimes they were harvested.

No. She should leave like she should have minutes before. She would have been a good ways away by now, far enough that Kellian wouldn't know where to look first. She still had a chance.

Another curse from the two mysterious slave-liberators.

"We can still call for the others. Tell them to bring stronger weapons," the woman suggested. Her brows were drawn together in worry.

The older man pinched the bridge of his nose, blond, almost white hair falling from where it was tied behind his head. "There isn't time. Isolde's information tells us that there's an officer here tonight. He can call for reinforcements far faster than we can."

And the slaves, watching this exchange looked as if their very souls had dropped to their feet. Their eyes, alight with pure, unadulterated hope only moments ago were glazed over now, crestfallen expressions returned.

Maja's heart lurched. The two spoke of Kellian, and it was true. She was sure he had his methods, and help would be on the way. Then the slaves would be hopeless once more.

She had a chance to escape. And so did they, but the longer this went on the thinner that opportunity waned.

And so Maja made a choice. She commanded her bones shift. It burned, and she bit back a small cry when joints popped and claws and fangs retracted back into her flesh. Her head spun furiously.

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