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- It so hard when you can't what your heart wants. And don't know who to choose. And don't know if you do right choose. You love them both, and both of them are important to you. And you don't want to break any of the hearts. But you should choose who stays and who leaves. But isn't easy chosen and never will be. They both brought something into your life that changed everything. One you love and want to be with him always but another was always there when you needed him and never hurt you when he broke your heart so many times and leaved you without any reason but you always was ready to forgive him because you love him and you know that your heart belongs to him but your heart dies because another one tried to make to smile when you thought you will never smile. And gave his all to make you happy. Love always leaves in like this moment when you should broke someone heart who loves you and never hurt you. Your brain says one thing your heart another thing. I told them that I have to think and told that tomorrow I will tell them but I knew tomorrow will be the same. I won't choose.

"Emily you are beautiful and who wouldn't you choose I will always be there because you are the one that showed me the real world" he told with light smile on his face.

"You know that i am so thankful to you for everything that you are doing to me" I answer.

He hugged me tight and I feel that I was safe even for a minute.

"You look tired go and rest" he told to me.

"I am ok, but you are right I really wanted to rest"

"See you tomorrow" he asked with smile.

"Yeah of course and thanks for listening to me" I thanked him and went up to my room.

I fall on my bed but I couldn't sleep. So I turn light on and took first book that I found and start to read and soon I fall asleep.

"Beauty come on get up" I heard sweet voice.

I opened my eyes and saw James and smiled.

"So you waked up how you slept" he asked opening curtains in my room.

"Good what about you"

"Also not bad, dress up and come down I will cook breakfast for us" he told and left my room.

I got up, took shower and put on t-shirt and jeans shorts. And when I was ready I went down and I feel beautiful smell of toasts and coffee.

"Hi, come on sit" he told and put in front of me a plate and cup on coffee. After breakfast I washed dished and when school.

"Hi Emily how are you?" asked Sarah she is my best friend. She is blonde with blue eyes and beautiful eyes.

"I am good what about you"

"I am cool like always" she answered.

We both smiled and I went to my class and I saw him. The one that makes my life harder like it's easy without him. When I entered into the class he smiled to me but I just pretended that I didn't see him. I sat on my place and lesson began. Of course like always boring so I was drawing hearts on my notebook. Lesson finished so I took my things but when I was going out of the class I saw that he was waiting for me there.

"Why you are not talking to me" he asked.

- What are you talking about I didn't see you, why i shouldn't talk to you - I asked pretending stupid.

- Maybe because of that boy that you love more than me and what did you even found in him - he asked angry.

- He doesn't break my heart every time and is always there when I need him and where are you than, you always leave me alone so please stop blaming me. And sometimes just ask what i want. Because I am also a person - I answer angry and when away. And fast when home because I don't want to see him anymore. How I got home i when to my room.

- Emily is that you? - I heard James voice from living room.

- Yeah it's me

- Is everything ok?

- Yeah everything is perfect.

I went up to my room and again he hurts me. I just don't understand what he wants he is never there what he wants me to do. I heard knock on the door.

- Come in

- Are you ok? - it was James.

- Yeah of course - I told with smile.

- You saw him again, yeah?

- yes, he started to ask me why i am so cold to him. Do you know i just don't understand him. What he wants from me. I didn't started this. He started this, he is cold to me and always leaves me and then blames me. Hate it.

James just come to me and hug me.

- Everything will be ok i will never let him hurt you, you are too good for me - he told to me. And i feel much better.

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